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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor/Helmet combo

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I'm going to start reffing soon and I was wondering if you guys really think you should have a visor. I wouldn't really mind wearing one but I don't know if the extra $60 justifies it. For the moment I'd be reffing PeeWee's and under (6th-7th graders)

The question you should ask is "how important are my eyes and my sight"? Ref or player, I really don't see the reason why someone would not wear a visor at a minimum.

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Yea i'm using it for reffing, as i'm not old enough to wear a visor.

I got to see the NBH 4500 with the new Itech visor and thought it looked nice, but i'll check see what's in stock tomorrow. Thanks guys.

And you got home with the best combo ever. Lucky pal.

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Mills, when you first start reffing, you don't start out with the mites and squirts?

That's what I though at first too, but one of my friends that took the reffing clinic for the first time this year with me was reffing a Pee Wee game the other day.

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