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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crack on mi XX

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yes it is fused at that point. By the way, does anyone know if you heat the bade at that point will the blade be able to come out. my vapor xx broke right at the kick point and if i look down the shaft i can see where the blade is inserted with some glue around it. Is it possible to remove the blade?

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It is possible. I heated my Vapor XX up for a liitle longer than usual and the blade came out smoothly.

I did the same, kind've rushed mine and regret it a bit, but it did turn out very well. Just make sure you heat it evenly and try not to burn the shaft.

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yes it is fused at that point. By the way, does anyone know if you heat the bade at that point will the blade be able to come out. my vapor xx broke right at the kick point and if i look down the shaft i can see where the blade is inserted with some glue around it. Is it possible to remove the blade?

Some can, some can't. Mine didn't work that way. I think it might be just the new models that are really shiny and sticky that that works with.

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Mine was one of the first ones out and wasn't shiny. I had to do it for a while, I didn't think it was working until i twisted the blade a bit then it seemed to all work out, but I did ruin the blade.

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