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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Black Christmas

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I went last night with a friend of mine to see this movie, and I must say, it was disgustinggg. The girl I was with almost threw up at one part in the movie, where the guy takes a cookie cutter in shape of a Christmas tree, cuts out pieces of skin from a girl he killed, bakes them, and eats them. Completely gross if you ask me. Overall though, I thought it was an okay movie, could have been longer to show what else happens to the guy. Any other thoughts?

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That part was pretty damned gross. The eye-gouging was at first, but then became obnoxious. Not a bad movie by today's horror standards but the last 10 mins were incredibly bad. My sister and I just started laughing uncontrollably from the point where Agnes got the paddles to the grill.

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