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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1st post and ya it's a skate qusetion..

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not to jack the thread but if i took pictures of my feet could somebody tell me what type of skate is right for me ?

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not to jack the thread but if i took pictures of my feet could somebody tell me what type of skate is right for me ?

It was a good feeling this morning when I ordered my Graf G3s knowing that I was ordering the correct skate and size.

Should have them baked at home on Tuesday, 25 minutes at 500 degrees right? Then when the red button pops out their done? :rolleyes:

Thanks again everyone with an extra big thanks to OTG.

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Try turning the oven on to 200 F. turn it of

Put the skates on a damp towel on a cookie sheet in the oven for about 3 -4 minutes the oven door slightly open.......put them on tie them up dont stand...let them sit for a few hours...

But hey ty 500 f at 25 min that will work to.

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