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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kid help

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Oh, I am laughing, imagining the sort of humiliation and abuse poor, dear Mack will face.

If my bro ever gave ME this much material... well, I just couldn't resist and I'm not an evil twin...LOL

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Mack, you're making this too hard. Your daughter has no idea that today is her birthday, so it's just another play date with more friends than normal. Have a couple of games and cake planned, but Just let the kids run around and make noise. When they leave, you can give a goodie bag with crayons or whatever. It's really that simple.

By the way, years ago, The Big D came up with the idea of a gift exchange for the birthday parties. It grew out of the embarassment of having people bring toys for the birthday party when our play room was already overflowing with too many toys. Instead, we ask the parents to bring an age appropriate present, then the kids draw a number to pick a present. Since children are allowed to "steal" gifts, the birthday child gets to go last. Because of this, we don't worry about having a goodie bag for when they leave, although we usually have a craft for them to do, which they take home.

We're aware of two other families that have begun holding gift exchanges also.

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I disavow the existence of this thread.

BTW cake is bullshit to get out of carpets, but it was delicious nevertheless. May you all have children born on leap year.

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It went that well, eh? I don't suppose you'll reward us (you know, for the suggestions and wishes of good luck) with some of the more juicy details of your night from Hell...?

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It was actually pretty quiet. At least not as bad as I expected, but there was this kid...ugh this kid. She's completely devoid of pigment, she looks like Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit and is a complete terror. She's about 3 and just kept trying to get on this tricycle I'd gotten my daughter. The tricycle's a mistake btw but I had high hopes.

Other than that, we grilled some food and had wine/beer and all was well. It really is more of a thing for parents but I let my daughter face-rape her cake because she's pretty bad with a fork.

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It was actually pretty quiet. At least not as bad as I expected, but there was this kid...ugh this kid. She's completely devoid of pigment, she looks like Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit and is a complete terror. She's about 3 and just kept trying to get on this tricycle I'd gotten my daughter. The tricycle's a mistake btw but I had high hopes.

Other than that, we grilled some food and had wine/beer and all was well. It really is more of a thing for parents but I let my daughter face-rape her cake because she's pretty bad with a fork.

Hope you got film of that because the face rape cake deal is still my favorite. Predictable but great. Seriously though the years will fly by. My son will turn 9 this year. Once you're past the formula/diaper phase and before school are some of the best years if you can remember them in 10 years.

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I will get her as little hockey-related items as I can for as long as I can. If she shows interest in it or anything else on her own, fine, but till then I'll steer clear.


That's what everyone tells me so we're a little anal about documenting all this crap. Now are the times where the wife appreciates my Mac Naziness. On the other hand we have two more on the way and will easily have our fill of infant/toddler hijinx to last us two lifetimes.

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