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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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College Help?

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I am pretty sure the national average is something like 21 or 22 for the ACT. I took it two years ago without studying and did well enough to get accepted to top 25 universities.

18 is defiantly an achievable score for anyone who is going to graduate highschool. I honestly don't think the ACT is a test that one needs to study for, but if you have doubts take a practice test see how you do and if you aren't satisfied do some studying.

I don't undersatnd why you WOULDN'T want to live in the dorms. You don't have to cook or clean. The cafeteria is convenient and no matter how solitary you may be, you will meet a lot of good friends you first eyar in the dorms. If you live off campus by yourself you will miss out on a lot of the socialization and opporunities to meet some great people.

And honestly who doesn't like getting woken up at 4 a.m. because a drunk kid dispensed the fire extinguisher in the hallway?


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I echo the response of many when I say dorm life was awesome. At my University <--- they required us to live in the dorms for 2 years. I filled out my residence life application early and got the dorm of my choice both years, both of which were co-ed. You meet people in every imaginable way, (taking the elevator, in the cafeteria, laundry room). Plus your friends are so close.

The two years in the dorms were a blast.

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And honestly who doesn't like getting woken up at 4 a.m. because a drunk kid dispensed the fire extinguisher in the hallway?


People in my building like to burn popcorn very, very badly. It's almost a nightly thing; alarm goes off (LOUD siren and creepy voice telling me to "cease all operations and...(yada yada)," I throw clothes on, stumble downstairs and outside where pretty much the only thing I can hear are Long Island girls and their damn complaints and a few mumbled threats directed towards the unknown individual(s) responsible, University Police show-up, five minutes later we're allowed back inside.

Of course, there are occasional deviations from the standard operation - there have been one or two instances this year where we've been outside for an hour or more...

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