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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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am i doing something wrong?

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ive always had this problem, with any pair of skates ive ever bought.

the eyelids, in one way or another, become ripped out or that entire section of leather comes right off

is there anything i can do to stop this? what the heck am i doing wrong?


and im sure if im having this problem, SOMEONE else has gotta be as well.

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my current pair, which have to dispose of or get mended is a pair of Mission D1's.

and before that, i believe they were mission violators.

on the violators it took only a season, sometimes less. ( i had a few pairs ) and with the D1's it took quite a bit longer, but it still happened. ( i bought them when they first came out )

im starting to think maybe its the way im lacing them up.

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Can't complain about a pair of skates that last 4 or 5 years...

Guessing it has something to do with your lacing, do you go all the way up and wrap them around or?...

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i have heard that backlacing (pushing the laces from the outside in) is alot gentler on the boot.

also, when you are tightening, which way do you pull?

it seems most people grab on to the lace and pull upwards, kinda the same motion as putting on a sock.

it's easier on the lacets if you grab on to the lace and pull away from the boot on each side. kinda awkward at first, as you don't feel like you're tightening enough.

what kind of laces are you using? i went from regular laces to backlacing with waxed laces, and i find i don't have to put as much effort into tightening my laces. they're very tight without pulling like an ox, and stay tight.

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"Violator" was written on the chassis of your previous skates, right?

Those were base-model skates (Proto SV or SI, depending on year, I believe)

There was a point when everyone around here, myself included, was wearing the SVs. Actually a pretty good skate for the price and the fact that it was entry-level, but not too much durability. They lasted me about a year before I cracked the chassis.

I also made my D1s explode in about 3 months. I wouldn't be concerned about a skate lasting 4 or 5 years, especially one that was kind of notorious for having problems.

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Im assuming you pull on the eyelets when you pull the laces. Try pulling the laces more out and not up. This is the way i do it and have NEVER had any eyelet problems with my missions (I've owned 4-5 sets in the past 13 years)

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i liked my violators, used them for a few years before the boot started to crack. & that only happened cause i was shoveling an outdoor rink in my skates with other guys so we could play without having the puck go into the snow along the boards, haha. for the $99 i paid for them, i got a lot of good out of them.

though, arguably, the price you can get a tour bluemax for now ($85) is a much better deal considering the you get labeda milleniums with them.

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I started backlacing my skates a few months ago, and they are more secure than normal lacing. You should also pull the laces 'out' and not up. With backlacing, you are basically securing the previous eyelet

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