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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission glove question

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i was looking at the mission website. Im looking for new gloves. I was checking out the ice section they had the L series and under roller they had the wicked one. I love the wicked one but is it an ice glove or roller glove?

the goalie equipment was listed in the roller section. Is their goalie stuff strictly roller?

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I don't see much of an issue using their "roller" gloves for ice and vice versa. I was using a pair of helium gloves for ice for a while, and am currently using Tours.

Inline gloves are (usually) a touch lighter with better ventilation and sometimes slightly less protective. Lots of times that just means they don't have plastic inserts though.

As far as the goal pads, One line shouldn't be used for ice (i think the helium light, or something to that effect) as the heavier puck could do some damage. Not 100% sure on the regular line, but I've seen people use them for ice.

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The helium was also listed as an inline glove but worked quite well for ice. Don't let categorization stop you from getting them. As for the goal stuff, that was more politics than anything else.

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