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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where should i cut?

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I broke the blade on my synergy SL. I'am hoping i can save the stick and put a tapered blade in it but i've never done it before. Does anyone know from experience where abouts i should cut the shaft so i can fit the tapered blade in? And dont i have to knock out some sponge or something? thx.

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Sitting on the 2nd page, a question I haven't seen answered.

What tool should I be using to cut my composite stick (either end). Yes, there's the trusty hacksaw, but has anyone tried a miter or a hand jig? Just looking to get a better 90 degree cut than my 88 is close enough to 90 cut.

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mitre is helpful in this situation, probably the best I've used. I've been using a dremel with a cutting wheel as of late, then using the sanding wheel to straighten the cut.

If you use the hacksaw you could also just use sandpaper to straighten it out. That's what I did until I realized I could use the dremel for it.

That's all been answered too.

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