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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9K SE converted

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Reebok 9K SE converted into rollerblades! These skates belong to oldtimer who now has 9k SE, wicked 1, 9500, 950 and two other pairs of skates. :ph34r: He also has just as much if not more gloves, jerseys, helmets and pants to go with those skates! gear whore much...? :lol:




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Too bad he is useing a Mission D1c chassis, with his budget he should have used the Vanguard from the Wicked 1, which would probably have made me cream my pants....

But still a awesome skate!

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I was thinking about using the vanguard frames but was not sure if the 76mm wheels up front would rub against the boot, now that I see there is a bit of room, as there is a slight groove in the middle, I may be doing that in near future. Just want to see how this set up works, tonite will be my first skate on them.

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Awesome...I'm thinking of converting a pair myself, and that would be the set up I would have.

A decent review of how you get on with them would be much appriciated! :)

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They need the white Sprung frames on them, like the Great Whites I just mounted (pic on the Sprung Hockey thread) the other day. As is, they're like a new Ferrari with no suspension and polyglass tires.

A technical anachronism.

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I Want to get a pair of the 9k SE’s and mount them to a sensor frame or chisel a little out and mount a hummer. Please post how you like them.

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yes will let you know how these turn out...looks like I wont be playing tonite though snowed too much today...next time I play will be Friday so hopefully wont be snowed in.

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Awesome,...just awesome. I was hoping to score a pair of those and do the same thing....but my damn small feet!!! They're already sold out!!

6.0 EE or D!!!

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They need the white Sprung frames on them, like the Great Whites I just mounted (pic on the Sprung Hockey thread) the other day. As is, they're like a new Ferrari with no suspension and polyglass tires.

A technical anachronism.

I agree with you there :0) My brother has just bought a set of sprungs from you, he loves them. He mounted them on a pair of beamers that are now killing his feet! LOL.


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the new white sprung frames would look good on them too I have the old black model but I don't feel sturdy on them or get the acceleration as i need on them as the regular chassis do...as for the wheels those are slick but I'm sticking with the rink rats mb816's or hornets and labeda dynastys...also at $20 bucks a wheel I don't think so.

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I find the weight to be the same when I have have each in my hand. Dont notice much of a differnce. Have not skated on them yet could not get out to do so bad weather in my area.

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Where did you get them from? what online retailers sell them? Id love a pair of these!

what online retailers sell them?

what online retailers sell them?

what online retailers sell them?


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Yeah it breaks.... Alot of people around here have had that problem, either they get warranty replacements (which also break), keep useing the same boot without the pump feature, which defies the purpose of the skate, or buy another brand.

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