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Switching from XXXs to 190s, is this a good idea?

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i have been using my XXXs for about 2 years and i am thinking about switching to 190s. I have a wide flat foot and am wondering if the 190 skate would be good for me or not?

1) Go to your local hockey shop.

2) Ask the nice man to help you.

3) Say "good sir, I would like to try on a pair of One90's in (insert your skate size here)."

4) Slap them on.

5) Think to self these questions.. "Does this feel good on my foot?" "When I walk in them, does it feel like my foot is in pain?" and "Is this skate too narrow or wide for my foot?"

6a) Pay for them and enjoy your One90's

6b) They don't fit so either get another pair of XXX's or wait till next season and get a pair of XXXX's.

We all know you aren't asking this question because you are trying to cheat into not trying them on, not getting them from your LHS and ordering a pair of $500 skates online.

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. I have a wide flat foot and am wondering if the 190 skate would be good for me or not?

You answered the ? Your wide flat foot won't breathe or be comfortable inside the ONE90 boot since the guts of the skates down low are so much stiffer than your XXXs.

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. I have a wide flat foot and am wondering if the 190 skate would be good for me or not?

You answered the ? Your wide flat foot won't breathe or be comfortable inside the ONE90 boot since the guts of the skates down low are so much stiffer than your XXXs.

I have a wide flat foot and the One90s are very comfortable

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. I have a wide flat foot and am wondering if the 190 skate would be good for me or not?

You answered the ? Your wide flat foot won't breathe or be comfortable inside the ONE90 boot since the guts of the skates down low are so much stiffer than your XXXs.

I have a wide flat foot and the One90s are very comfortable

Pardon me for asking but i recall reading in some other thread that you ordered your one90:s in a c-width. And since you are describing your feet being wide and flat, does that mean the one90:s are a wide fitting pair of skates?


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I guess that's the problem with a forum. Two different answers to the same question! I just wonder about how much each of you weigh and the stress you put on on your skates. My feet are a bit wide ,too, but I always wear D width skates. EE widths are way too wide for me. I have also been leaving the bottom 6 eyelets loose, not tight at all. I have been lacing up my skates that way for over 4 years.

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. I have a wide flat foot and am wondering if the 190 skate would be good for me or not?

You answered the ? Your wide flat foot won't breathe or be comfortable inside the ONE90 boot since the guts of the skates down low are so much stiffer than your XXXs.

I have a wide flat foot and the One90s are very comfortable

Pardon me for asking but i recall reading in some other thread that you ordered your one90:s in a c-width. And since you are describing your feet being wide and flat, does that mean the one90:s are a wide fitting pair of skates?


I didn't order, I bought at LHS :lol:

Anyway, I was fitted with a 7.5D and 7D which I THOUGHT I found comfortable till I tried the 7.5C. One90 is without a doubt a skate you have to try on before buying since you don't know whether or not C width will be more comfortable. Seeing as to how I have pretty wide feet I would say that yes, it is a slightly wider fitting skate.

I guess that's the problem with a forum. Two different answers to the same question! I just wonder about how much each of you weigh and the stress you put on on your skates.

I guess there's always something that will affect the comfort factor of the skates eh?

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I didn't order, I bought at LHS :lol:

Yeah, I now that you work at a LHS, but I figured you didn't carry stock of the c-width, as most hockey shops don't...

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I guess that's the problem with a forum. Two different answers to the same question! I just wonder about how much each of you weigh and the stress you put on on your skates. My feet are a bit wide ,too, but I always wear D width skates. EE widths are way too wide for me. I have also been leaving the bottom 6 eyelets loose, not tight at all. I have been lacing up my skates that way for over 4 years.

Yea everybodys been tellin me different things as far as comfort...i actually went yesterday and tried on a 10 1/2 EE skate and it was actually really comfortable so ill be gettin them in a few days

thnx for the input

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