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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KwiK-Hands Traing Product Review

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Has anyone used Kwik-Hands as part of thier off ice traing? What are some comments and does it provide anything more than training with say a golf ball or stick handling ball?

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if you want quick hands play around with a golf ball. Then when you're comfortable with the golf ball, tape 4 pucks, 2 on either side, near bottom of the shaft and stickhandle. Guaranteed quick hands.

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Doesn't adding weight throw off your timing? I like just using a puck on ice. The smart ball works well off ice on smooth surfaces as well. Check out www.skinnerhockey.com Sean Skinner is an insane stickhandler. Watch the long demo video in the stickhandling section...INSANE MOVES!!!

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I checked out the skinnerhockey site. Awsome - I order the DVD's and have a sheet of synthetic ice that I will try and build a training routine around. One of the main problems is simply the lack of available ice time to simply practice stick handling and skating with the puck. Thank you for the help

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