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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Tuuk to choose

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So my Nikebauer one90s are on order and i cant decide if i should keep my Ls2 power (clear) Tuuks or change back to the original Ls2 Tuuks (white and what i am used to). Has anybody changed back to the ls2 or have most people kept their ls2powers on? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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I say give the powers a try. I had XXX's prior to One90's and I personally like the LS2 powers better. They take a few ice times to adjust to, but the added length give you better glide. I like how there is more length near the toe of the blade for pushing off of while striding or crossing over. They have slightly more glide also due to the extra length. The powers are also stiffer, so they torque less than LS2's and the feel is nicer IMO.

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I say give the powers a try. I had XXX's prior to One90's and I personally like the LS2 powers better. They take a few ice times to adjust to, but the added length give you better glide. I like how there is more length near the toe of the blade for pushing off of while striding or crossing over. They have slightly more glide also due to the extra length. The powers are also stiffer, so they torque less than LS2's and the feel is nicer IMO.

i see what you are saying, but did you sacrifice any agility because of the extra blade on ice contact?

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I had the One90, and I would say that the LS2 power did not affect the agility of my skating. I really like the holder and the blade. I have been thinking of putting a pair on my Vector 10 SE. That would be a pretty sick looking skate.

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I skated on the ls2 power for a while and I pulled it off and went to the old tuuk plus custom in black I like it so much better.

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