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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ST stick and blade thickness blade differences

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I have an Easton ST stick and also some ST blades. Does anyone notice that the replacement blades are alot thicker than the blades on the stick? Im just wondering if this just happens to me or have people bought blades that are the same thickness as the blades on the stick? :unsure: The curve on the stick and the blades is the same by the way(Sakic).

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Are there any blades out there similar to the one on the ST sticks? Might Easton be bringing one out this year as the sticks seem to be very popular?

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Easton's replacement blades are the same this year with the exception that the ST is now yellow and short hosel designed...a sign of things to come? Maybe longer standard shafts in the future?

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anyone know if the heatley is available in any blade other than the st this year? i wouldve hoped it proved popular enough to warrant multiple options.

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