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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Response Armor vs. Xn10

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Since the Xn10 is getting to be more of a hard stick to find every day, some may consider it's predecessor the Response Armor. But, there's a problem, It's different, definatley weightwise, but what else? Because if I cant find an Xn10 right for me I want to consider some other options, and want to know how different an Armor is.

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I thought that the Adrenaline was successor to the XN10 and the Armor replaced the Response Plus. The Response Lite is the top TPS OPS offering for 2007. For those who haven’t noticed, TPS has updated their website complete with a downloadable catalogue.

2007 TPS Catalogue

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Ya I know all that, but it's just that the Adrenaline is not a very good stick, and I want something as close as I can get to the Xn10, if I can't get one that I like.

Thanks for the link though, I'd never think TPS would update their website.

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I dont know about the design, sure some people like them, but it just doesn't seem like it's for me...

This reminds me why I hate posting threads. This is because the question(s) I ask are just plain ludicrous, for I already know them. The answers I get just make me sound like more of a dumbass when I actually know just as much as the next experienced MSH-er whose post count is many multiples of mine. I better just keep to posting in other's threads, because then I actually have something intellectual to say.

I hate sounding like an idiot...

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there are some R2 XN10 shafts floating around, but they're still going for a premium. If you usually break blades quicker than shafts, that may be an option for you. Not to mention you can heat and pull blades out of the OPS.

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I liked the XN10 also, but there were many who felt that it had a ceramic-like puck fee to itl. To me the Adrenaline has good puck feel and great balance. Both the XN10s and Adrenalines that I have used have been Pro Stock. In terms of performance and offerings, the OPS had made great advances in the past couple of years. Just keep in mind that most are made for performance and not durability.

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I dont know about the design, sure some people like them, but it just doesn't seem like it's for me...

This reminds me why I hate posting threads. This is because the question(s) I ask are just plain ludicrous, for I already know them. The answers I get just make me sound like more of a dumbass when I actually know just as much as the next experienced MSH-er whose post count is many multiples of mine. I better just keep to posting in other's threads, because then I actually have something intellectual to say.

I hate sounding like an idiot...

I'm not trying to make you feel stupid, I just want feedback. I loved my Xn10, but only use Drury curves and grip sticks. This limits me to prostock Adrenaline controls which are limited in the area. I'd like to know what you felt the difference between the two was so it could maybe help my position.

Puck feel, shooting, weight, stick handling, consistency, peeling, graphics, etc..

If it just didn't feel right, thats fine as well, all opinions are welcome. If you are able expand, even better.

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I've used both the xn10 and adrenaline control, and i have to say i was much happier with the xn10. The difference is weight is definately noticable (not to say the adrenaline is heavy), but I actually found the xn10 to feel better balanced. The xn10 gave me a better kick, and slappers and snappers came off alot faster, and shots were very consistent. The adrenaline was very average in shot preformance, and although the feel was slightly better, I got used to the ceramic xn10 feel, and kind of liked it.

The xn10 was also more durable for me, believe it or not. Also, after a week or two of use, the "vibration inserts" inside the adrenaline shaft broke, and there are now many loose pieces of material that rattle inside the shaft.

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I just got a OPS Xn10 today, It was the only whip left, but Im glad the Nash pattern of that year wasn't as open as a Sakic(which I don't favor. Im into Iginla or a slightly open heel), I hope it works out, although I've been really accustomed to grip lately, and I also like how you can pull blades out of most TPS'.

*Now I just have to consider if I should put one of my many SL Carbon fiber extentions, or keep the wood one for better balance. It's a tough decision balence or weight... Any opinions would be appreciated

I hope I didnt confuse too much Easy, for I have never owned or used A TPS stick before, much less an Adrenaline. I've just heard limited positive comments about Adrenalines, and In the store, I liked the Xn10 much better. Thats just my opinion, nothing more.

Thanks for the help, and I understand no one is trying to make me look stupid, I just hate posting silly things which people see me as almost 'inexperienced'. Sorry for any missconception, and I know that everyone on this board is very open minded to any kind of question.

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