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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shipping From Goalieheaven

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I was going to order these pant shells from them (hockey pant) But to ship them from there to here (Cbus, Ohio) it was around $25. Thats almost the price of them. Is the shipping from them always high? They have alot of pro return stuff I would like to get, but I don't like paying that high of price for shipping.

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That is what has kept me from ordering stuff from them. Shipping on a pair of gloves was quoted at $25, and $20 for just a shaft. I have had stuff shipped, gloves, sticks etc... from several places in canada, and it was under or around $10.

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I thought about ordering a pair of shells from them as well, didn't know they were charging $25 to ship though (I'm in PA). Even $15 I could deal with, but it's the principle of the thing, knowing you are getting ripped on shipping that turns me off.

They state in the payment details at the bottom of the auction that they ship UPS ground, so the fee sure isn't $25 on a 2-3lb. package, I've done enough shipping through UPS both in the states and across the border to know.


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Those work best w/ a girdle. I've been looking for some as my Coopers are XL and too long. Not at those shipping prices..perhaps a Canadian member can pick me up a set?

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I bought large black Bauer lowers from GH and they fit (a bit loosely) on my size 52 Tackla uppers. I asked JR before I got them if he knew whether they would fit and forgot to tell him it worked out.

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I've gotten two sticks from them before, and every time it's around $22 US. I dunno why it is so much, but they use UPS. I also went to the UPS site to calculate shipping to see if they were screwing me over, but it came to the same amount. I just got the sticks because they were too good of deals to pass up, even after the $20 shipping costs.

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damn, I paid 27 USD for shipping 3 sticks to Germany via USPS... (I guess with UPS it would have been near 100 bucks)

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before you order them smith, i hope you know that those are the bottem half for a 2-piece pair of pants, not an actual shell...

Yea I know. I was looking for a set up like Jr. Use with a girdle

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Those work best w/ a girdle. I've been looking for some as my Coopers are XL and too long. Not at those shipping prices..perhaps a Canadian member can pick me up a set?

I was thinking the same thing, if anyone lived near GH and wanted to do a favor for a couple members I'd be willing to send a couple bucks their way to get them shipped USPS.


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Those work best w/ a girdle.  I've been looking for some as my Coopers are XL and too long.  Not at those shipping prices..perhaps a Canadian member can pick me up a set?

I was thinking the same thing, if anyone lived near GH and wanted to do a favor for a couple members I'd be willing to send a couple bucks their way to get them shipped USPS.


something you may not know about is that "Ontario residents must pay 15 percent sales tax" so after you factor in Canada Post shipping costs it might be almost the same price. I don't know how much it would cost to ship to the U.S but I shipped a small fluffy lion doll to my aunt to Windsor Ontario and it costed me $7 CDN so I am pretty sure that sending a pair of shells is going to be around $15 CDN at least.

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in my opinion the only defence shippers have for a higher shipping rate is to pay for paypal and the actual shipping materials. I shipped off some blades to the states and didn't want to pay $5 for a box from the post office so I had to go digging around downtown office building looking for a proper sized box. It took a while but I eventually found one. Considering the 2 blades were only $10 CDN each after all the time I spent travelling looking for a box and shipping costs, I pretty much sold them for nothing. It was much worse shipping a hockey stick.

But then again, I sent this stuff off on the notion of helping a fellow member and didn't want to charge money for time and effort. If I can help someone in dire needs I will see I can help out. You know what they say what goes around comes around.

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What if I called in an order and had a member pick it up?

Let me know if you guys can work something out. I would gladly kick in extra for the person who picks them up.

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What if I called in an order and had a member pick it up?

trust me I tried the same thing. I actually have a friend who travels back and forth from Canada to the US every week. He works Monday to Friday in the States and flys back to Toronto on the weekend. I went into the store and told this story to the guy in charge of ebay and he refused and said that I still had to pay tax.

In my opinion this method is legitimate, he is bidding from the United States and after the auction is over he flys back to Toronto on the weekend to pick it up. He has all the paper work confirming his travelling and work in the States. So its like he is actually saving them the time and headache from shipping the product out.

You can try but I doubt that you will get much further ahead than me. Does anyone else have better ideas ?

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I forgot, one of the goalies I play with goes to up there every other weekend. I will have to see if we can buy them through the ebay store, and have him pick them up. Worth a shot I guess?

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I live literally a 3 minute walk from them, and could possibley assist somone wanting to buy an item from them.

its the 15 % sales tax thing that is killing them.

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Americans get that back when we cross the border. I think we can also send in proof taxes were paid and get a refund.

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What if I called in an order and had a member pick it up?

In their auction descriptions they state you are welcome to stop in and pick up your item, just let them know when you are coming for it.

"If you are in the Toronto area and would like to pick up your items COME ON IN!!! We?re located at 1592 Bloor St West. We ask that you please call ahead to let us know when you?ll be here, so we can have your items ready."

Not sure how they'd handle the sales tax though, technically if I bid from PA I'm not liable for the 15% because I'm not a Canadian resident, but my guess is they'd try and charge the guy picking them up because he is a resident of Cananda. I hadn't thought about that before because it didn't effect me if I was having them shipped.


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