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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Ebay #@$% Seller

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I found this guy who was selling like 30 ipod mini's for $.01 each. So I bid on every single one of them! Its kind of funny I guess, I was planning on having 30 ipod mini's and just selling alot and giving some to friends. Well on his page it did not tell me the shipping price, and I couldnt find it through the calculator. So they guy messages me and says "My shipping is $50 for each product and I do not combine shipping".

What do you think I should do? If I pay for all of those then it will be $3500 on a credit card for shipping only?!?! To me its deffidently worth getting a new ebay membership.

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this should teach you about buying 30 of ANYTHING on ebay....lol

You COULD re-sell them, charging say 65 bucks for one. Just make sure that you have all the ipod minis accounted for before you do that

btw, if you plan on doing that, I want a pink mini

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lol put your mom's credit card down and step away from the computer.

post up the link to the auction you won, please.

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There is no need for any more threads complaining about eBay sellers, seeing as there are already a dozen out there. I still can't believe you thought you were honestly going to get an iPod mini for $.01, let alone 30 of them. Lets lock this up before things go from bad to worse.

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