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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drum Solos!

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Saw Rush last night, which by the way was the best thing i've ever seen, and Peart did an 8 minute solo that blew my mind. He is hands down the best/most versatile drummer in the world.

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Zach Hill:

he doesn't play drum solos.

He's good and very quick, but there's no real sound to it and he doesn't seem to switch up the timing and beats like peart can. Still a good drummer though.

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Zach Hill:

he doesn't play drum solos.

He's good and very quick, but there's no real sound to it and he doesn't seem to switch up the timing and beats like peart can. Still a good drummer though.

Read Neil Peart's book Roadshow. He tells you how he constructs a drum solo and what he is looking for. He definitely wants a structure and sound to it. I have seen to many drum solos that sound like some poor guy whacking away at garbage cans and buckets.

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