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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is my buddys 12.8 set he had me design for him and everything, cool thing is that he got a job when I was designing them and on his gear it has iPad and iCatch and iBlock which was kinda funny and awesome also.





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Then you might want to look into a combo from Maltese Hockey. Best throat protection available, IMNSHO.


yeah im serisouly thinking about those, but i hate the bibs and i REALLY hate the clear dangley things. im honeslty the only one in my highschool and travel lueage without a dangley thing

Those are some sick pants #69 is wearing

lol yeah we had to wear those, cuz someones parents bought the whoel team thsoe haha

hah, I thought you were circling things on your pads, didn't notice it said "proof".


This is my buddys 12.8 set he had me design for him and everything, cool thing is that he got a job when I was designing them and on his gear it has iPad and iCatch and iBlock which was kinda funny and awesome also.

those look good and the iStuff is funny haha

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Why did he get a triple t?

is the glove a 5500 remake?

His old glove was a triple t and it feels so close to the 5500

and as for the istuff we did it because he just got a job at apple and yeah that can just explain everything

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Mask: Itech 961

C/A: Simmons 992 Pro

Pants: TPS G7

Pads: TPS Bionics 32"

Trapper: Int TPS Bionic

Blocker: Int TPS Bionic

Skates: Bauer Reactor 3000

Sticks: CCM H6


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its about time...

34+2... without the stupid 5 hole flap. ive used the pads twice but not the glove or blocker. they are sweet as hell so far

nice i did the same thing and ordered a set a few months ago - here is what mine look like

are you having a hard time breaking in the glove? mine is a bear and the pocket is not very deep - which is a pet peeve of mine.








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thats f-in awesome, nice colors.

actually, i thought the glove broke in better than any glove ive used. i think it feels a little funny just because its smaller, but i baked it twice and its great now

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oh im sure ill end up liking the glove - i'm just coming from the old koho 590 (i think) patrick roy glove which i loved

i just wish it would break in a little faster and am hoping that the pocket will stretch out some more because if the puck goes in my glove i want it to stay there!

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Take your Velo glove to a pro-shop or LHS that has a skate oven and have them bake it. There are instructions on Vaughn's website. It makes a massive difference.

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you have to upload ur pictures to a hosting website E.G. imageshack.com, photobucket.com and get a membership etc and up load ur pic to that website and then when you click on post a topic theres a bar with B, I, U, S A, they look a little different and then the 8th icon is of a little tree click on that and paste your URL on it

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Depth of the pocket is, most likely, due to it being a spec glove. That is the one part of the new spec that has caused me the most adjustment issues.


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