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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hey guys.

well ive not been on in a fair while due to exams, computer breaking etc etc..

Anyways to the point; i have a virus called 'Norovirus', has anyone had or knew anyone with this ?.

for those of you who dont know what it is CLICK ON THIS

does anyone know how to get rid of this or help it? ive got a big game on sunday and doesnt look as if il make it :unsure:

thanks in advance guys :)

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you got a form of food poisoning.

here's some good info here:


doesn't say it's serious, and there's really not much you can do but let it get better. drink lots of water to replenish all you've lost.

norovirus and rotovirus are the most common forms of food poisoning, and most don't even know that it's food-borne, they just assume 'i got the 24 hour flu'

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I'm such in a "technology" state of mind that it never came to my mind that this could be a health problem. I just tought your computer was infected.

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I'm such in a "technology" state of mind that it never came to my mind that this could be a health problem. I just tought your computer was infected.

So did I...that's why I didn't click the link *L*

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