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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To profile, or not to profile?

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Ok, so my roommate is 6' 4" 180 lbs. (a bean pole)

He skates on Mission S300

He has been playing ice hockey for about 2 years but has skated for quite a while. The guys who sharpen at the rink are pretty good from what I have experienced. Maybe they do them quickly if a bunch of guys crowd the shop pre-game.

Anyway, lately he says he just doesn't feel like his skates are biting as well as they should.

Do you think he should go to a more full service shop and get them profiled?

Or should he get a different (deeper?) hollow?

He mentioned it today after a game last night and said maybe he should look at other skate brands. Before he did that I suggested maybe profiling would help. But I only know about profiling because I read stuff in here about it.

So what do you think the best remedy is?


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Slipping is usually not the profile. Since the guys at the rink are good, I would just have them sharpen at 1 setting deeper and see if that corrects the slipping. This time of year ice surface gets harder so aseasonal hollow adjustment (more bite angle) is likely all that's needed.

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thanks jimmy.

since him and I are both new to ice I wasn't sure. But that's more what I was thinking. I'll tell him to talk to the guys at the pro shop and try a deeper hollow.

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