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Some large fitting shoulder pads?

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I am in the market for some new shoulder pads. I want something with decent durability, preferably low profile, and not too bulky. I had been looking at the new TPS model as well as the Vector 6.0. The problem is I am a pretty broad across the shoulders, and the shoulder pads always seem to be bunched up on top of my shoulders. XL is the only sizes I can find around here, with the exception of the size 6 in Koho and RBK, and even they are not quite broad enough. Right now I am wearing 652 Tacks that I have torn apart and re-sewn, but they are pretty much at the end of it. Any suggestions?

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I am in the market for some new shoulder pads. I want something with decent durability, preferably low profile, and not too bulky. I had been looking at the new TPS model as well as the Vector 6.0. The problem is I am a pretty broad across the shoulders, and the shoulder pads always seem to be bunched up on top of my shoulders. XL is the only sizes I can find around here, with the exception of the size 6 in Koho and RBK, and even they are not quite broad enough. Right now I am wearing 652 Tacks that I have torn apart and re-sewn, but they are pretty much at the end of it. Any suggestions?

Doesn't someone make shoulders with caps that are adjustable? Is it graf?

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I don't think the Grafs have it - they have 2 models, and I don't think that was a spec on either (I've only seen the lower of the two models). I think the Vectors have it, but I'm not sure, so if anyone who has them could LMK I'd appreciated (none of the local stores stock them here, so I'll have to wait til I go down to the island to see them in person).

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I had a long search for big shoulder pads and ended up settling on a size 6 RBK 6k set.

There were a few pairs of Easton shoulders that were pretty decent as well, but I felt the RBK had better coverage.

Sher Wood makes their "heritage" in XXL, but it's a lightly padded set with minimal sternum/spine protection

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I think the issue with the bicep pads shifting is where the connection point is in relation to your body. Here's my theory on it. The vest should extend over your shoulder blade and reach just to the top of the shoulder joint. From there, the bicep pad should connect between the front and the side of the head of the humerus. Here it is close to the joint, so the bicep pad doesn't wrap over a lot of shoulder muscle, nor does it shift from changing arm positions. The connection needs to be narrow, not a wide strap, so as to accommodate swinging without crinkling.

When you look at your shoulder pads for profile, you need to wear full gear to see how they blend in. Personally, I'm still struggling with shoulder pad caps. I like the fit and materials of the Jofa 4000s, but I find the big bowl caps insufferable because my shoulder doesn't stay deep in them. When I reach my arms out, the caps lift up. I cut the caps off with the intention of transplanting the shallower ones from Bauer 300s, but they will come out looking just as bulky, and my shoulder is very exposed. At the moment, I think I'll reattach the Jofa caps but twist them forward. That way, instead of being equal distance, they're closer together in the front and further apart in the back. Plus I get more coverage than the Bauers'. The caps' openings will be slightly angled forward, instead of straight down the sides. Ideally, the caps could twist back and forth but it compromises the security of the cap. If anybody has other ideas, I'd love to read them. Maybe Mission's 'Piston' pant feature could apply to shoulder caps. I'm running out of ideas.

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