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Hooking a Sub Woofer up to Laptop

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Hey everyone!

So tonight I realized, these laptop speakers just arent doing it for me anymore, so I went to my old computer and grabbed the sub woofer (Harmon/Kardon iSub, and I have a Sony Vaio lap top). When I plugged it in, everything went okay except when I went to turn the volume up on it in control panels, it was that faint kind of colour meaning that you can't adjust. I could make it so the sounds come back; ex. if you make a mistake, that annoying beep noise will happen, I could make it do that, but I couldnt make it so my music would work from the Sub.

Does anyone know how to help me out with this problem?

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try restarting your computer, leave the sub plugged in.

stupid question, but are you sure it's not hooked up to a line out or microphone input?

also, what's the exact model number?

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try restarting your computer, leave the sub plugged in.

stupid question, but are you sure it's not hooked up to a line out or microphone input?

also, what's the exact model number?

I will try restarting, and It is plugged into the USB ports.

Also, where do I find the exact model number?

Edit: On the bottom theres a place where it says

"iSub 2000 (then underneath it says Harmon/Kardon)"

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usually a little sticker on the bottom of the sub.

sorry I edited into my second post. right before/after you posted.

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from everything i've seen, it won't work with Windows machines :(

it seems the apple models it's compatible with does not just send a Line out through the USB port.

the apples it works with uses iSub software driver, a software crossover that sends only certain frequencies to the sub, and the rest to the main drivers.

i'll try to see if there are any drivers to use them on Windows, but i really doubt it. they'd have to be third-party.


"# Will the iSub work with my Windows machine?

No. The USB iSub has been designed specifically to work in conjunction with the iMacs that contain the Harman Kardon integrated speakers. For speakers and a subwoofer made for Windows machines, please see the HK 595 speaker system.

# Can I hookup the iSub to my stereo?

No. The iSub has a USB connection and is configured to work only with Apple's 350 MHz and iMac DV models."


"It uses a USB connection to send sound data digitally, which is decoded by the amplifier located inside the iSub. The software it used (included with Mac OS 9.0.4 and later) was designed to adjust the frequency range of the iMac's internal speakers so they wouldn't overlap with the iSub."

"When it shipped in early 2000, the slot-loading iMacs were the only systems that worked with the iSub, which is manufactured completely by Harman/Kardon."

"The iSub only works with iMacs with slot loading drives or G4s made January 2001 and later when used in conjunction with the Apple Pro Speakers."

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Ah, shat. Thanks for the fast replies G60. I was really looking forward to it, but w/e.

Thanks again. If you find anything thats good news, pm me or just post it in here. :)

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