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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sani-sport vs Fresh Gear

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I was thinking about getting my gear sanitized. In my area there I have seen two options available (Sani-sport and Fresh Gear, which I have not seen mentioned here). Their processes and costs seem similar , so I'm wondering which, if any, might be more effective.

Sani-sport seems to circulate ozone through a chamber, then mists bacteriacides. The latter would seem to be mostly effective on bacteria remaining near the surface of your equipment.

Fresh Gear says their process "forces the ozone with high volume and velocity straight into the gear". Their picture seems to show pipes that are used to direct the ozone flow directly into each piece of equipment. It would seem that this might be more effective at getting the ozone deep into the equipment and pads and crevices. However, Fresh Gear does not seem to apply bacteriacides after the process.

Has anyone else looked into these two options ?

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I have a SaniSport machine and can't say enough about it. We looked at other systems, however, nobody was able to show us what THEIR machine did as far as in tests with products. They actually provided us with the data. It also doesn't hurt that 20 or so NHL teams, plus some NFL, MLB, and NBA teams use the machine either.

We've gone out into the community and approached high school teams and it has proven to be a winner for my store. We bought it thinking beyond hockey.

I was thinking about getting my gear sanitized. In my area there I have seen two options available (Sani-sport and Fresh Gear, which I have not seen mentioned here). Their processes and costs seem similar , so I'm wondering which, if any, might be more effective.

Sani-sport seems to circulate ozone through a chamber, then mists bacteriacides. The latter would seem to be mostly effective on bacteria remaining near the surface of your equipment.

Fresh Gear says their process "forces the ozone with high volume and velocity straight into the gear". Their picture seems to show pipes that are used to direct the ozone flow directly into each piece of equipment. It would seem that this might be more effective at getting the ozone deep into the equipment and pads and crevices. However, Fresh Gear does not seem to apply bacteriacides after the process.

Has anyone else looked into these two options ?

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I got my equipment Sani-Sported when I was in Florida. They did it three times and my stuff still reeks.

One thing often misunderstood is that once the foul odor smell is 'burnt" into equipment, nothing can remove the odors entirely. The sani-sport does a great job at removing the bacteria that causes foul odors and rashes and MRSA staff infection. It's primarily a sanitizer, but it does reduce odors as well. Very well for most. Since the process isn't a coverup, like the fragrance detergents used in other systems, if your equipment is real bad to begin with, you will have a residual smell after treatment. What you wont have is the harmfull bacteria.

As for forcing ozone into equipment, that sounds like a marketing thing Fresh GEAR is using. Ozone is a gas and gas penetrates any porus object. No pressure is needed.

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EBondo, maybe you just smell... :D

Nah, in all seriousness, think about how long it took for your gear to reek so bad that you wanted to clean it. Give it some time...the smell will get better with repeated cleanings.

I got my equipment Sani-Sported when I was in Florida. They did it three times and my stuff still reeks.

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