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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My coach has a "we may not be the best team, but we'll be the best conditioned team" mentality. He has us do liners every practice, and I always end up finishing about 5-10 seconds after the rest of my teammates. The stopping and starting of liners just takes it out of me about half way through the liners. Is this because of technique problems, or do the problems rest elsewhere?

Thanks for you help,


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Work on adding some strength in your legs, that and improving your overall conditioning should help out a lot.

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Conditioning would be a factor. Have you had or ever considered power skating lessons? Wouldn't necessarily help with the stop start, but couldn't hurt with overall skating technique.

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It could be a cardio issue, meaning your endurance is weak. It could also be a power issue, meaning you need to spend some time doing a lot of squats. Or it could be both factors. Working on your leg muscles is going to be key, cardio wise I'd recommend doing cycling and mixing that with interval jogging. If you have a 1/4 mile track near you I recommend sprinting on the straights and jogging the corners. Coach used to make us do 6 miles like this, it was murder but you really felt it come game day.

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