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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I agree. You should play all the teams. The fans get cheated by not having a chance to see ALL the "big names" otherwise. Or at least rotate seasons. For example team X plays team Y every year. Odd years at X's rink and even years a Y's rink.

Whether you like him or not, Crosby is one of the biggest "Name" in the NHL right now. I think it helps the sport grow if every team's fan got a chance to see the stars.

I certainly think that getting the chance to watch Crosby (or someone else that you idolize) play, adds more to the game than the dopey interviews with the coach ON THE BENCH DURING THE GAME. I think that is so lame...

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I agree. You should play all the teams. The fans get cheated by not having a chance to see ALL the "big names" otherwise. Or at least rotate seasons. For example team X plays team Y every year. Odd years at X's rink and even years a Y's rink.

Whether you like him or not, Crosby is one of the biggest "Name" in the NHL right now. I think it helps the sport grow if every team's fan got a chance to see the stars.

I certainly think that getting the chance to watch Crosby (or someone else that you idolize) play, adds more to the game than the dopey interviews with the coach ON THE BENCH DURING THE GAME. I think that is so lame...

I would be ok with every other year but every year would be best.

I still would like to see more "original 6" matchups, maybe something like hockey day in canada with discussion about the history and heritage of the league. With all of the changes, I think the league needs to do something for the long-time fans.

If you have Crosby play one game a year in every market it isn't going to do much. That one game will be sold out and only 18k-20k will see him play. It's not like he's there every night and a lot of different people will see him play. He's going to have zero effect on hockey in Nashville, Atlanta, Calgary etc... I do like the player or coach interviews during the game. Keep it quick and related to the game and it can be a great insight for fans who have never played the game.

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Apperantly MTL and OTT were 2 teams that shot this down because they didn't want to go out west.

That's very unfortunate...Montreal has not been particularly good out West (especially in Western Canada...) so that may have been a bit of a selfish vote.

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I think that's a large part of it to be honest. I think they may look at it as a way to cheap out too though. Doesn't cost as much to go down the road to OTT twice more a season.

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Apperantly MTL and OTT were 2 teams that shot this down because they didn't want to go out west.

That's very unfortunate...Montreal has not been particularly good out West (especially in Western Canada...) so that may have been a bit of a selfish vote.

As long as it's up to a vote and 2/3 majority, it will not change. There are too many benefits to the current schedule for Eastern Conference teams.

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Apperantly 2 proposals were made. Those teams shot both down

First vote - 6 divisional games each, lost by 1 vote.

Second Vote - 7 divisional games, lost by 2 votes.

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The current schedule is just another one of Gary's pets. Trying to create rivalrys between teams in cities that have no reason being there. The only benefit to many of the Western Conference needless teams is the sellouts they get when the Wings come to town.

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