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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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glove repalming

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is it worth it to repalm gloves

ive had my eagle x70s for 1yr and the palms are already shot

does fixitbymail.com do a good job

what is the best way to prevent this from happenning again

i dont knwo if the tape on my stick caused this

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They are the repair depot for Eagle.

They do excellent work.

As far as having a glove for a year, that's a lot. I'v eblown through palms in 2 mos.

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Jeez...I've had my X70s for 4 years and the palms are still in fine shape. Guess I lucked out...or I got a different kinda palm and didn't even realize it.

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Alot of it has to do with the way you grip your stick. I grip it so there isn a butt end stops at my ring finger, where others will hold there stick the entire way so the butt-end is out a bit. Usually I wear my butt ends fairly quickly.

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I do the same Eazy. When I blow through palms, I usually just end up replacing the gloves. You figure that if palms cost appx. $60, shipping them there and then shipping them back is around $20, that makes it $80. I've yet to have a pair of gloves that I like so much, they make me not fork out the extra couple of bucks for a new pair, but I guess I'm just Geki about it.

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How about you call 1.800.GO.FIXIT? Or email them from their site? We don't work there.


well i don't know about his coment but i think mine was in line, because i just figured you would know how much it was since u got it done...

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I just had one of my x80's repaired by them. they did a fantastic job. I had the goatskin palms, they replaced it, looks and feels real nice. Because it was a warranty issue, i didn't have to pay for it, but they did send a brochure back with the glove. For regular palms, it was $42 US per pair. It didn't mention what goat skin cost. IT only cost me like $8 to send it ups, so If you have a real nice pair of gloves, and they aren't completely beat, it might be worth it to get it done.

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on kind of a different subject, does that "triger finger" on the Sande Gloves work, can you actually feel a better grip. sorry i didn't do a search on it but i felt that we were all already on the subject of palms so why not just ask...

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on kind of a different subject, does that "triger finger" on the Sande Gloves work, can you actually feel a better grip. sorry i didn't do a search on it but i felt that we were all already on the subject of palms so why not just ask...

I don't feel much difference than TPS gloves, but that is because of the tapered fingers. Huge difference from Eagles, Eastons, etc. with standard fingers though.

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To answer the price question Fix it by mail does double goatskin palms for $47 per pair, any brand, any model.


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