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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Computer question

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So,to make a long story short. It always seems like I lose my internet connection after a certain period of time on my desktop, or the connection gets extremely slow. At first I thought it must be a problem with our connection itself, as it had been happening off and on and we have a cable line. So, I decide to do some poking around. I get my laptop out and plug it directly into the modem. Works at the speed it should. So, ok, I think, well, not the modem, must be router. I get the router back live and then wirelessly connect to it (same as my desktop) and it works about the same. So Im starting to think its my computer.

I get an internet speed test up on my roommates computer and mine, and we both hit it at the same time. His goes on par with my laptop, my desktop cant find the page....at this point Im getting somewhat frustrated. So I go and check netgear for a possible update for my network card, and nothing new. I check the updates about contrasting installs that interefere with the card. Nothing there either.

So now Im coming to the conclusion that either my network card is whack at times or that there is something running in my background that gradually starts hogging up more of my computer's network connection....or something.

Ive run stinger and spybot as well as norton and nothing comes up....does anyone else have any sort of program I could run? Any suggestions?



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Could be a few things.

Netgear makes good solutions, so I wouldn't invest too much into it being a bad card.

This may sound stupid, but do you have your wireless router secured? (as in a password/wepkey etc). When I worked for a voip company, I was dumbfounded at how many people just have their router set with no password. Hell, I leach a little bandwidth every now and then from a fast food joint about a block away from where I work. If they are running a bittorrent or other filesharing program, it would have the same effect as what you said (starts off normal, then just craps out).

If that isn't the issue, go get a cheap network card and swap it out to see if maybe you have a bad netgear one.

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This may sound stupid, but do you have your wireless router secured?

This is probably not his problem since he gets acceptable speeds when connecting wirelessly through the laptop. If someone were leeching from the same unsecured connection, the speed should not be faster when connecting with the laptop than it is when connecting from the desktop.

The poster doesn't mention whether the three computers are running the same protocol (802.11b ? g ? a? pre-n ? etc), which may be relevant. The router could be shot and unable to handle one protocol or another. Did he upgrade the router firmware or network card recently ? Either could have caused the problem, or require updating. Also, is one of the computers by chance configured to be in a DMZ ?

What I would do is find someone with a wired network card, plug it into his desktop, plug the desktop into the router, and then see what his speeds are like. If there's something wrong with the desktop, it will be slow through the wired connection as well. If things are much faster when he is wired, the card may be shot, or firmware/drivers may need updating or he may need to back out to an earlier revision if they were causing him the problem.

He could also plug in another wireless card, but it's probably easier to find a wired card.

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Could also be some wireless interference going on. What channel is your wireless router set up on? I know that commoon household items use the same frequency as some wireless channels. (IE: Microwave uses the same frequency as channel 10, so avoid that channel and surrounding if you use a microwave)

Does the slowness occur at certain times of the day or is the time sporatic?

I agree with nuggy, hard plug a wire into the router and try your internet use that way for a bit to see if the same issues continue.

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Another somewhat network related question.

I want to change my password on my user acccount. Not a big deal I figure. Well, my computer used to be on the family network when I lived at my parents house. So when I hit ctrl+alt+del and select change password it will tell me that my network isnt responding (because my computer is no longer on the network) and it wont let me just change my domain. Ive went in and fiddled around under user accounts but am still lost. Any insight?


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Login as any user (the one you are using to look at user accounts)

Start > run > "cmd"

In the command prompt, type "net user" and hit enter.

It will show you all the accounts on the computer.

Type in "net user [name of your account] *" <---- minus the "s and []s.

It should give you a message to type in a new password.

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Seems to only pull up the accounts for my machine itself, not the domain that it has me on (the one which Im no longer on). Any more ideas? Im just tired of roommate getting on my computer...I tell him, and he still gets on it while Im gone, then downloads porn......what a roommate.


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I must be missing something. If you're no longer part of that domain, why would changing the password for an account in that domain stop your roommate from using your computer ?

And did you ever resolve your initial networking problems ?

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Because thats the domain my computer thinks its on...and its not, but Im having trouble changing it because it wants to make sure with the domain that its ok to change it...and the domain never responds back, thus, I can never change it.

To clarify, when I say domain (probably using it way wrong) I mean the network I long onto. Instead of logging onto my computer, I log into my old network that I used to be on because thats what my user name is under. But its sounding like I just need to start using my administrator account on my machine and just swap everything over.

On the network front, I changed my setting on my router to not broadcast my network name....worked great until yesterday. So it looks like a new network card is in order.


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Bumping this with a new question...

I recently networked 2 machines...in the process of trying to get my internet to work with the new router, I ran my original DSL set up CD....I ended up getting an error, and stopped that process and went back through the router and got it to work without the setup disk.

Now, every time I re-boot my machine it asks me to insert my DSL CD.

It's looking for:


Gives me OK or Cancel...once I cancel, the machine boots as normal...

Where do I go to remove that command from the boot up order...or registry...or whatever...

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