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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pond Hockey

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I played on a pond growing up just outside of Pittsburgh. It gets cold enough, this winter notwithstanding. The problem you run into is liability. We had been the only ones playing on this pond for years and then one day the owner just said it was too risky for him to let us play on it any more. That's why the lake in Panther Hollow is marked no skating.

If you still live in Pittsburgh, have you found another pond or lake which you're willing to share info about? I'm having second thoughts playing on that...I have to respect the owner's decision....it's pretty cool that I found someone on this board who played there years before...I guess I'll have to find a place where the owners are fine with it, and when its not the worst winter ever for winter things.

I haven't played pond hockey since I was young. I didn't play at Panther Hollow, I meant the farm pond by my house, but was pointing out that liability is the reason you can't skate at either place. I don't know where you can skate on a pond anymore, but it is a fun time.

I am the brother of the guy who started this thread BTW. Anyways, screw that we aren't supposed to skate there. That place is dead, it's like no one knows its there. I think that Americans have a too much of a "we have to follow the rules" type of thinking. If you're Russian, you know what I mean.

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I played on a pond growing up just outside of Pittsburgh. It gets cold enough, this winter notwithstanding. The problem you run into is liability. We had been the only ones playing on this pond for years and then one day the owner just said it was too risky for him to let us play on it any more. That's why the lake in Panther Hollow is marked no skating.

If you still live in Pittsburgh, have you found another pond or lake which you're willing to share info about? I'm having second thoughts playing on that...I have to respect the owner's decision....it's pretty cool that I found someone on this board who played there years before...I guess I'll have to find a place where the owners are fine with it, and when its not the worst winter ever for winter things.

I haven't played pond hockey since I was young. I didn't play at Panther Hollow, I meant the farm pond by my house, but was pointing out that liability is the reason you can't skate at either place. I don't know where you can skate on a pond anymore, but it is a fun time.

I am the brother of the guy who started this thread BTW. Anyways, screw that we aren't supposed to skate there. That place is dead, it's like no one knows its there. I think that Americans have a too much of a "we have to follow the rules" type of thinking. If you're Russian, you know what I mean.

If you don't own the land, and the people who do don't want you there, you shouldn't be there.

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It's not privately owned, it's owned by the city, and there's a big "No skating" sign in the picture you posted. I imagine at most you'd just get asked to leave eventually.

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Thanks for the responses guys! Today, my brother and me skated out there to try it out with our crap skates. Admitedly, the ice was the worst I have ever skated on, combined with a pretty big snow shower.

I have read that to smooth it out, one should pour hot water over it and wait over night. Though the only way I'd be able to get hot water is if I make a fire and melt snow in a bucket.

I'm planning on just hammering a hole at the edge of the ice, getting water out of there, and pouring it on to where we want to play. Would cold water work?

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It's not privately owned, it's owned by the city, and there's a big "No skating" sign in the picture you posted. I imagine at most you'd just get asked to leave eventually.

I am sure that a police officer would see us. That pond can be seen from a mile away because its surrounded by big A$$ hills. Either way, we'll play till someone tells us to stop.

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Just tested one of our local golf course ponds...I went pretty far out and was jumping up and down and seemed alright. :D The ice measured about 3" thick, and it should be another cold night (and week). The recommended ice thickness for people to be on is 4"...

Will try to post some pics of our "rink" sometime soon, I think my little brother is going to invite his hockey team out for a game...should be fun. The quality of the ice is pretty bad until you get out in the middle, there's a nice smooth area that would be a good size for a game.

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The pond you are referring to is called Panther Hollow. I used to play hockey on it as a kid. The city used to rent out ice skates in the boat house that is no longer there, before the rink was built.


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The pond you are referring to is called Panther Hollow. I used to play hockey on it as a kid. The city used to rent out ice skates in the boat house that is no longer there, before the rink was built.


That's cool to here! I heard that it used to be really nice there with people renting out boats. Now the place is all but abandoned and you could see trash all over the hillsides of the lake. Too bad the Schenley ice rink doesn't offer any sticktime whatsoever.

My brother and I skated on it and didn't like the ice. We spent about 1-2 hours pouring water in buckets on the ice, from the lake. We'll see how it is tommorow.

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There have been talks abour reviving the lake. There has been a large build-up of silt, about destroying it, but the costs are too large for the city to take on and because of its out of sight location, it is out of mind.. Yes, during the summer you could rent boats and get cane pole fishing rods. Winter time was skating. I can remember family home movies of skating on the lake, but during a recent search of the family films I could not find them. I did find films of our "backyard" rink, where my dad would throw water on the backyard patio and send us out with skates.

Ask the workers at Schenely Park. I have an old high school linemate that works there, and I take my kid for sticktime every weekend. There are usually a group of guys that get together and run a pick-up game, everyone throwing in $10 to $15 to cover the rink rental costs for 2 hours. I've played many late-night hour games at Schenley


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I'm in central illinois and we just played out on our pond yesterday afternoon...cold weather should be holding up for the next week too. If you guys have the time, try to get out there, it's lots of fun!

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