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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Top eyelet

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hey my brother's hockey coach is a skating instructor and he recently told my brother that if you leave the top eyelet of your skate unlaced, it makes you go faster because you get more mobility with your ankles. Is this true and what's people's opinions on this.

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I'd say it depends on your skating stride/style and also upon the strength in your lower legs, ankles and feet. Personally, I can't remember the last time I made use of the top eyelet.

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hm, i also had a question about people putting their shinpads over their skate tongues. I've never really done that, tried it once or twice but didn't like it. Is there some reason everyone does it or is it just for looks. Cause the guys in the show do it to, just wondering if there is some kind of advantage.

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hm, i also had a question about people putting their shinpads over their skate tongues. I've never really done that, tried it once or twice but didn't like it. Is there some reason everyone does it or is it just for looks. Cause the guys in the show do it to, just wondering if there is some kind of advantage.

You get better flexibility in terms of ankle bend with the tongue inside of the shin pad.

Same goes for lacing/not lacing the top eyelet. Trade off between flexibility and support. It depends upon your skating style and the cut of your skate's boot.

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What about people who say you can gain ankle strength by skating with one or more eyelets unlaced? Maybe not in a game, but for training or practice.

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