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whos got the upper hand in the upcoming election

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hey guys, seeing as im from canada its tough to get a grasp on who seems to be the more likely candidate to be the next president in the states, does bush even stand a chance?

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I think it was Friday when I saw that Bush was leading in the polls like 48% to 40%. Keep in mind those polls change quite frequently. I really do think Bush has a chance. Its just that the anti-Bush people are far more vocal and visible than the pro Bush or anti-Kerry gang.

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hey guys, seeing as im from canada its tough to get a grasp on who seems to be the more likely candidate to be the next president in the states, does bush even stand a chance?

I can see this going nowhere fast...

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I'll insult both parties at once and get it over with as quickly as possible. The Democrats picked the one man that is less appealing to most of the country than Bush. The number of skeletons in their collective closets could fill a very large graveyard.

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Why are we talking about American politics when one of the closest elections in Canadian history is happening tomorrow?

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Do you guys feel that Michael Moore's new movie will have any impact on the voting?

I hope not because I feel he's extremely biased in his stuff.

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Moore may be biased, and he's probably leaving out tons of information of Bush's credentials and positives, but what he shows is truth (If it wasn't couldn't there be some major lawsuits for slandering?). The movie may not kill Bush in the polls, but it obviously will not help him. I saw it opening day, and some of the facts and connections between families/gov't/corporations were pretty weird. I'm not American (I only lived there for about two years when I was in grade 3), but I'd hate to see the States have Bush as a leader again, but I'd also hate to see Kerry be elected because the guys is so luke-warm and I imagine it would be damn near impossible for him to make the final choice on something such as to go to war with a country or not.

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My only problem with Moore's "truth" is that he misrepresents things and takes clips out of context. I think it's good to talk about things and Bush has done a number of unethical things as president but to resort to his tactics is the easy way out. He's an attention whore who wants people to look at him and talk about him. I'm sure he's a very happy man right now.

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I hope to see Moores movie later today even though Im a Bush fan. I think Bush will pull something out of the bag close to the election. Something like lowering gas prices or saying we caught Osama. I hope Bush stays Ive heard a lot of the things that don't make the news that shows hes a very caring, compassionate man.

BTW I won $50 on the last election, and plan to bet on Bush again.

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My only problem with Moore's "truth" is that he misrepresents things and takes clips out of context. He's an attention whore who wants people to look at him and talk about him. I'm sure he's a very happy man right now.

Moore is unbelievable... anyone that would take what he presents at face value frightens me. Biased probably doesn't cover him, he's a supposed "documenter" but the term "objective" isn't in his vocabulary. The funny thing is, if he were to do a "documentary" on anyone in the private sector he'd be sued for libel before it hit the boxoffice.

His films remind me of those old clips where they used to use several edits of people like Reagan,etc. speaking, where they would splice words together to get them to say things like "We. Will. Rock. You."

If anyone ever wonders what happens to the fat, unathletic, socially retarded, toady kid that nobody picks for teams in gym class... look no further than Michael Moore. He's still trying to win a date with the head cheerleader by trying to "look smart". Which is easy to do when his audience will take everything he says as gospel.

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Republican or Democrat or Green party aside, I personally am tired of seeing and hearing about treatises on government by actors and musicians. These are people that are paid filthy sums of money to PRETEND and MAKE BELIEVE. Most of these people don't even live in a reality close to anything what the average person like you or me lives in everyday.

Sure they are citizens and have their right to speak their mind, but somewhere along the line, b/c of the acclaim they've received for their talent in Hollywood, they think they've got political genius as well. Egos run absolutely rampant. You don't see politicians trying to tell actors how to act.

Keep in mind most of these people are people that can't even make their own coffee, drive themselves anywhere, and throw a fit if the right things aren't left for them in their trailer or greenroom.

I can just see it now..."President Moore, the North Koreans say they refuse to disarm."

"What!?! That is ridiculous. Don't they know my moons are in alignment. How can they do this to me, don't they know who I am? How can I be President in conditions like this? Tarantino and Spielberg never has to work like this. I'm going to have to call my therapist."

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Moore is unbelievable... anyone that would take what he presents at face value frightens me. Biased probably doesn't cover him, he's a supposed "documenter" but the term "objective" isn't in his vocabulary.

What frightens me even Moore (pun intended) is that there is a very popular "news" media outlet using the same forms of statistical manipulation and loose interperetation of fact to mislead viewers in just the same way Moore is with his movie. Propaghanda is propaghanda wether it leans to the left or to the right. Is it worse to decieve people pretending to be a documentary or by pretending to be news?

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Republican or Democrat or Green party aside, I personally am tired of seeing and hearing about treatises on government by actors and musicians. These are people that are paid filthy sums of money to PRETEND and MAKE BELIEVE. Most of these people don't even live in a reality close to anything what the average person like you or me lives in everyday.

I couldn't agree more. Celebs and musicians using their popularity or "artform" as they so pretentiously put it, as a sounding board for their political views is about as gross misuse of power as you can get. Yet they're the first ones crying a river of tears about how their freedom of speech is being threatened by legislature.. 'politicians are misusing their power to stifle our freedom of speech, which we use to influence you with great results, in order to maintain and justify our lifestyles and whims' hello hypocrites...

The funny thing is, in the past musicians and actors were not known as "celebrities", they were called "court jesters"... they should get to know their role.

Of course it says worlds for our society when they allow themselves to be manipulated by jesters...

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He is biased, he hates Bush, plain and simple!

Well, he should go to hell. :P

I dislike Bush as well, too bad the Democratic party engineered the election so that Kerry would be the nominee. I'm still not sure I grasp why 1/3 of the states should get to pick who the candidate should be for each party. Oh that's right, it's so people pay attention to Iowa and New Hampshire at least once every four years.

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its strange to me that bush is still considered one of the frontrunners, being from another country the majority of the news i hear seems very anti-bush, everytime i watch cnn iraq seems to be getting more and more out of hand, i personally am not a bush supporter, but i dont know anything about any of the other parties to present a relevent argument as to why the states shoudl have a new president. there is a serious lack of information provided by the media abotu anyone but bush

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First of all, with only two major parties about 35% of the people are going to vote for the candidate from their party no matter what. It's the 30% in the middle who determine who wins the elections in the US.

As you said, everything about Bush in the news is negative. Much of it is well deserved as he has probably broken more laws than any president in recent memory. That said, Kerry might be an even worse president than Bush is. The American political system is being ruined by the national parties, having more than two major parties would require coalitions to form and that might be an improvement.

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its strange to me that bush is still considered one of the frontrunners, being from another country the majority of the news i hear seems very anti-bush

It's not a coincidence.. it's "engineered" news.... The world doesn't like us white, conservative christian types. We're all "neo-cons" and we want to take over the world. If you don't conform to our anti-abortion, homophobic, money grubbing, God-fearing ways... it's trouble for YOU because we're going to invade your country and make you just like US! If you don't work for us, you're against us, and by working for us I mean employed by us! The environment? Eh, we don't care, I mean we have to live here too, but we're fine with using it up for a buck. It's what we do! Buy low, sell high! And if you can take out a forest or a birds nest on the way down all the better! If you can take a bowl of soup from a poor family's table you're really on a roll!

But if you're a liberal, you want to get along with the world, you're more than tolerant of the world's ethics even accomadating! You protect the environment from the evil corporate empire and you want peace above all! Or at least, no war, none that are your fault anyway. You only do what's good, in your heart... unless someone threatens your lifestyle... then it's balls-out activism! But in the name of good of course! We feel guilty for being born in the best country on earth and we'll use our guilt to fix it! Or make you feel guilty enough to try and fix it! Don't let the man keep you down, and by the man I don't mean that lack of motivation, or the munchees, I mean the neo-cons!

Chadd, come on.. is your "recent memory" limited to only 3 1/2 years?!? You let Bubba off the hook already? :wacko:

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No, I'm not letting Bubba off the hook and I was in favor of his being impeached. Not because he got a hummer but simply because he used government assets to cover that up. Plus the way documents randomly disappeared and showed up concerning whitewater was a joke. My views are probably best described as libertarian, but I'm certainly not extreme in my beliefs.

Add up the Patriot act, Haliburton, Abu Garib and his promotion of christian organizations and I have issues with Bush. I honestly believe he is the perfect example of what is wrong with our political system. He's increasing the amount of federal handouts to appease people while restricting our civil liberties. Gutting standing environmental laws while cutting funding for alternative energy research only benefits a select few. I'm also put off by the fact they don't want anyone to question them, and call them traitors or unpatriotic.

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The world doesn't like us white, conservative christian types. We're all "neo-cons" and we want to take over the world. If you don't conform to our anti-abortion, homophobic, money grubbing, God-fearing ways... it's trouble for YOU because we're going to invade your country and make you just like US! If you don't work for us, you're against us, and by working for us I mean employed by us! The environment? Eh, we don't care, I mean we have to live here too, but we're fine with using it up for a buck. It's what we do! Buy low, sell high! And if you can take out a forest or a birds nest on the way down all the better! If you can take a bowl of soup from a poor family's table you're really on a roll!

Couldn't have said it better myself! ;) :lol:

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My views are probably best described as libertarian, but I'm certainly not extreme in my beliefs.

Add up the Patriot act, Haliburton, Abu Garib and his promotion of christian organizations and I have issues with Bush.

I would fall in the high conservative area of Libertarian... I'm just not for the legalization of drugs which alot of liberts seem to be in favor of. I'm all for smaller government as most liberts are, and that's my major beef with Bush. He's spent way more money than I like. But honestly with the way things have been during his term, I don't know how much better it would have been with anyone else in office... taking the reigns right on the cusp of a recession, the largest terror attack every in US soil and the resulting economic collapse don't make for a rosey term...

How do you pin Abu Grahhb on Bush? The faith based inititiatives are not only for "christian" organizations. What's the problem with it anyway? Churches (in a general sense) have done more for social programs (I'm talking humanitarian aid, etc.) than any politician. eh but that's another ball of wax.

On a side note, it always cracks me up how "Christian" is a bad word association for the more liberal. They're so threatened by it and lump it in and associate it with all the bad things they can think of about religion. When in reality being a Christian is simply believing in the teachings of Christ, it's not a "religion".

it's also funny that in this "PC-to the idiotic degree" society, that "Christians" are the only group anymore that it's still "ok" to make fun of...

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