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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike ID

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NBH Is not selling directly to the consumers. The local shop in the area of which the consmer purchases the stick from will recieve a credit for the stick.

I think they are selling direct to the customer. You can buy them right from the link I posted above.

If I bought it online and there is no local dealer participating in the ID deal, who would get the credit?

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They are selling direct to the customer. You can purchase the stick and have it shipped to your house. Your lhs has nothing to do with the sale.

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the shop that is closest to the zip code of the consumer gets the credit for the stick. What I meant by "not selling direct to the consumer" is that NBH is still tying in the local retailer to the sale of the stick. Even at the stores that have the kiosk, the consumer orders and pays with his credit card at the kiosk and the stick is shipped directly to the consumers home address. The reason the stick is sent directly to the consumer is so when you sign for the stick from fedex/ups it triggers the begining of your 30 day warranty

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It asks you if you shop at any of these stores. At the bottom of the list it has none of the above. I do not see how they would give credit to the store if you reply none of the above.

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And now it looks like they've attached names with the curves. No idea who Bugsy (P14) is though.

Wasnt there a Montreal Bugsy too? maybe the same guy

No it's Scott Bjugstad. I've been to his shooting camps and hes pretty close with NBH. He told me while i was there that they were going to have his pattern for retail (p14)


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Is it just me or does the create a stick thing on NBH's website not work? I get the pic of the One90 on the right and XXX-lite on the left, but there isn't anything to click on.

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Is it just me or does the create a stick thing on NBH's website not work? I get the pic of the One90 on the right and XXX-lite on the left, but there isn't anything to click on.

Earlier in the week I was having trouble getting it going in Firefox, but it worked fine in IE. Right now I'm not having any problems in either. What browser are you using?

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Is it just me or does the create a stick thing on NBH's website not work? I get the pic of the One90 on the right and XXX-lite on the left, but there isn't anything to click on.

Earlier in the week I was having trouble getting it going in Firefox, but it worked fine in IE. Right now I'm not having any problems in either. What browser are you using?


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I just tried it on Safari and it worked fine for me...

I just tried and I got the pics of the two sicks and I kept getting the hand cursor like there was something to click on near the middle to the right and left, but when I clicked nothing happened.

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I saw the pictures that were generously posted of the P14 but I'm wondering if anyone knows if the face is open or neutral... Pictures can always be deceiving in that aspect.

Even better, has anyone stacked a P14 next a Coffey pattern?


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are any mac users having trouble using the customizer, i can only get as far as looking at the two stick but it shows no buttons to press so thats as far as i can get

Yes it was discussed on this exact page and the one before actually.Seriously, come on. But anyways no one could find a solution for me as I was the only one having a problem.

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