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Doctor Hook

Shaving helmet padding

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Just wondering how to go about shaving helmet padding to make it thinner for a better fit.

I've taken scissors to certain pressure-packed areas of pads, but I'm wondering the ideal ways on how to make the padding itself thinner.

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you're better off buying a new helmet that actually fits.

tampering with the padding will certainly void any certifications on the helmet.

Oh definitely, I wouldn't do it if I played in a hitting league.

Let that be a lesson to you kids, don't mess with your helmet padding because you need your brain to think!

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...you need your brain to think!

Holy Cripes...is that what that's for? Next you'll tell me that my nose and ears are for something OTHER than holding my glasses on. :)

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I used one of those box cutters (I think that's what they're called). The kind of knife you buy at a hardware store where you push out the razor blade. Then I just skimmed a little off at a time (kind of like whittling). I just hit the pressure points to take the pain away. Worked fine.

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you're better off buying a new helmet that actually fits.

tampering with the padding will certainly void any certifications on the helmet.

Oh definitely, I wouldn't do it if I played in a hitting league.

Let that be a lesson to you kids, don't mess with your helmet padding because you need your brain to think!

As a once great hockey player said "You can always pay someone to do your thinking for you"

Anyways, in my lhs I have seen some of the prostock helmets come through, and they had some pretty skinny/thin pads in an old CCM. They looked premanufactured, maybe someone makes them?


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Was thinking...maybe the same way they do styrofoam with one of those heated wires? Maybe taking the padding out and doing it then glue it back in?

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Hey Doc,I just did this a few weeks ago actually. I have a big mellon and I'd been having a hard time finding anything comfortable that was stock. I decided to experiment on a cheap helmet and it worked out pretty well for me.

I used a large CCM 892, you can find them for 30-35 bucks if you do a search.

-First cram it on your head and make note of all the places its causing discomfort or rubbing too hard.

-take it apart and removed the padding from the shell. Lay the padding out flat and put it under a heavy book for a day or so, its easier to work with if it's not curling up.

-use a plane square razor blade and shave sideways into the foam in the spots you need more room. Occasionally it helps to make some relief cuts straight down if you are trying to shave out a larger area. On a cheap helmet like this there is no seal or fabric around the padding, its just bare foam. I took about an 8th to a quarter of an inch out of each temple and cut out an entire overlapping piece of foam near the crown to give it a bit more depth.

-put the whole thing back together and try it out, repeat untill it feels comfy.

I play in a very casual no-check league so I just wanted something comfortable, I'm sure doing this voids all sorts of safety standards but as long as you dont take more than a quarter inch or so out it should still provide plenty of protection for a casual league.


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a guy here uses a wheel sander, shaves down the portion that attaches to the helmet in the problem areas and then re-glues it in

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The pads in my lid were squeezing the 'corners' or curvers of the back part of my noggin, so I yanked 'em out, and hit them with a hand sander, and popped em back in. Works just dandy.

For the minimal amount of padding that is being worn away with the sander, it's not going to make one damn bit of difference in protection if you get your nugget slammed anyway.

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