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Does Bauer Supreme 1000 skates exists ?

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I want to buy skates to play outdoor and don't want to pay over $100. I found a pair in my size. The guy said they are Bauer Supreme 1000 skates, but the picture show me that the skates is the same as the Bauer Supreme 7000. I look on the web and didn't found anything about Bauer Supreme 1000 (just goalie skate). Just want to know if he made a mistake. Maybe the "7" looks like a "1" in 7000. Here's the pictures...


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He said that he bought those skates 2 years ago. I don't think that the skate you are talking about was still available two years ago. But you maybe right, I remember the Bauer 5000 Composite skates which was the top of the line that time. I'll see with him for better pictures. Thank you !

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he may have bought them 2 years ago, as they may have been sitting on a shelf in a store somewhere. I know a store that still has CCM 662 tacks and the old Nike Air Agitate skates in stock, and they're almost as old as the 1000s.

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The Custom Supreme 1000 was worn by the pros for a long time. Ron Francis was one of the last guys to still wear the Custom Supreme 1000 long after other model Supremes were available. The Supreme 1000 in the photo was an opening price point skate in the late 90s. It wasn't strong enough for a pro to wear in the NHL. These are two completely different skates. The Supreme 1000 is fine for rec hockey. You should pay less than $100.

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Those skates are from around 1999-2001. At the time, the Supreme line went 7000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 1000 (top to bottom).

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