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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What skates should I get?

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My son is a serious, elite player, plays AAA, and skates about 4 times per week. He is currently wearing Bauer Vapor XXX and needs a new pair of skates. What should I get him? I was thinking Supreme One90, or CCM Vector 10.0 SE. What is the best way to go?

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the skate that fits is always the best skate.

That all depends on his foot type. bring him to a knowledgable LHS and if they're worth their salt, they'll get him in the right skate.

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the skate that fits is always the best skate.

That all depends on his foot type. bring him to a knowledgable LHS and if they're worth their salt, they'll get him in the right skate.

i agree. if the one90's fit his foot well, id definately go with them

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All the skates you mentioned are great skates. It pretty much come downs to what skate fits your son the best. I personally use the XXX and love um, i tried on the One90 and it fit my foot like crap. As far as CCM goes, ive been in bauers my entire life so naturally the CCM's never feel good to me but its still a great boot for other people. Dont just buy a skate because its the most expensive or because Johny at the rink has them.

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I too skate about 4 times a week, although i'm a little older (25). I just bought a pair of Rbk 5k Pump and I love them! For a higher end for your son, check out the Rbk 9k's. they've gotten good mentions from a few people I know. They were a bit more than I wanted to spend, but right up there with the one90's.

It is all about the fit though. Take him to a hockey shop (not a chain) and try on everything he thinks he'll like, then everything they recommend. If the bauers fit him well, stick with bauer or CCM, i've found many times they fit similar, and well.

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Wait till June 01 and get the VAPOR XXXX.

.....Good Advice :rolleyes:

But seriously, the better bang for your buck isn't always the highest end skate on the market. Sometimes the step down is a better option. Personally, When I was comparing the XIXs to the XXX, a XXX on my left foot, and XIX on the other, it felt EXACTLY the same. Like some MSHers say "You get 90% of the skate, for 60% of the pice." Which is true. So, keep that in mind, top end isn't always the skate for you.

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Wait till June 01 and get the VAPOR XXXX.

I'm sure since he is serious about his hockey and skates 4 times a week he cant afford to wait til June. If he likes the XXX's, there's no reason not to get em again if he likes em. I personally think you should stick with a brand with skates. They all have different fits and you get used to that fit. Me personally I feel great in Easton skates and I everytime I go to get new ones I try on an easton skate and one of other brands and I usually come out picking the easton just because of the fit. Why don't you ask your son what he wants to do. I'm guessing he'll want to try something new though.

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the skate that fits is always the best skate.

I personally never like the footbeds that come with the skates, and usually put in my own, like shockdoctors. Does this affect how well a skate will fit your foot? Should I bring the footbeds with me when I buy skates?

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It's definitely a good idea to bring the footbeds with you. Especially with shockdoctors, they take away from the volume of the boot, and may have an effect on fit, and may even cause lacebite.

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If you're going to pay out the money for a pair of 190's I'd definitely have a look at a pair of Grafs for your son as well. Just another great quality skate to consider. You may find out he'll surprise you and like the fit and on ice feel. You really can't go wrong with any of the skates mentioned. As always I recommend the one that fits and feels the best to him.

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