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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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photoshop or paint

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Paint should come free with Windows and as of downloading Photoshop that is illegal so go buy it. If you are a student you can get a nice student discount on it.

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I dont understand how all of you guys have photoshop and its like 600$

My degree is in pre-press design, photoshop and quark were essential to my work when I graduated. The job I'm in now, I started as a web designer, so got it through that, and still handle our website, but I have shifted my training etc now, and am an operations manager.

I am good with photoshop, but suck as a hockeyplayer, so $600 = photoshop, $140 = Bauer Supreme 30 skates.

I don't know how some guys have $600 skates

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I dont understand how all of you guys have photoshop and its like 600$

My degree is in pre-press design, photoshop and quark were essential to my work when I graduated. The job I'm in now, I started as a web designer, so got it through that, and still handle our website, but I have shifted my training etc now, and am an operations manager.

I am good with photoshop, but suck as a hockeyplayer, so $600 = photoshop, $140 = Bauer Supreme 30 skates.

I don't know how some guys have $600 skates

our school has photoshop on a lot of computers. do they give school discounts? or can you put a copy on more then 1 computer?

the reason i am asking this is because if i took my freinds photoshop cd, could i installl it on my cpu?

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Just as legally as you could put Windows on your computer from their CD too.

what i mean is does it actually allow you to put it on your computer?

some programs dont allow it to be installed on more then 1 cpu

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All right, simply put it requires a key to enter. I'm sure the only computer you could legally put it on would be one in the same household.

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you can only use 1 CD key per computer. technically, even if you have 3 computers, you are supposed to buy a CD key/registration for each computer in the household.

to the OP, learn to use this thing called a 'search engine', you know what that is, don't you?

i don't think the admins here appreciate you asking where you can do something illegal on their site.

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We're not going to condone someone supplying the program or the means to get it illegally, but everyone seems to be banging home the point that it's just wrong and not very bright to ask for it.

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