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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken toe...

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In P.E. yesterday, we were playing indoor soccer with our shoes off in the wrestling room(padded mats)

Well I stubbed my pinky toe extremely bad. I went to the hospital as my pinky toe was basically just hanging on my foot in the opposite direction. The doc said it was broken right at the base of my pinky toe, and he numbed the area up and put/relocated the toe back in place. He "buddy" wrapped the toe to the one next to it to act as a splint or whatever for the broken one.

Now...I know it takes 2-4 weeks to heal, but what harm can hockey do to it?

The doctor suggested I wait until near next weekend to play on it, but he also told me that he had an identical injury and skied on it the very next day.

I have 2 games this weekend. One saturday and one sunday. I reallllly want to play on it obviously, so from your personal experience or medical knowledge, will it make the injury worse or risk dislocating it again? I can play through the pain, it is just the risk of reinjuring it and being out for a longer period of time.

Give me the answer I'm looking for ;)

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ihave something similar only it is a sprianed ankle and a sprained knee and the doctors said if im up to it to play this weekend. i did it last weekend at my game. If u want to play really bad, wrap it and play i guess, the toe cap protects it. only my opinion on the situation.

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That's really a question a doctor should answer. If he says go for it, then by all means have at it. If he says 2-4 weeks, wait the 2 and get it re-checked.

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Monty, that's the thing...

The doc I had at the hospital said I should wait till around Saturday with it, but yet also told me he skied the next day with the same injury without a problem (obviously skiing and hockey would have a similar effect on toes)

I also talked to a sports medicine guy at the rink and he told me I should TRY it with a skate this coming Sunday...and my coach of another team I play on told me to try it this saturday.

I'm getting quite a variety of answers here. Like James said, the toe cap would prevent any direct contact on the toe, so I'm still considering playing this weekend.

FYI, I put my skate on today with it and while sitting there was absolutely no pain(meaning it is not pinching). I stood on the skate and shifted my weight, and there was some mild pain when I stood on the outside edge of my skate. But I also have to consider that when I did this I was on some pain meds... :/

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Monty, that's the thing...

The doc I had at the hospital said I should wait till around Saturday with it, but yet also told me he skied the next day with the same injury without a problem (obviously skiing and hockey would have a similar effect on toes)

I also talked to a sports medicine guy at the rink and he told me I should TRY it with a skate this coming Sunday...and my coach of another team I play on told me to try it this saturday.

I'm getting quite a variety of answers here. Like James said, the toe cap would prevent any direct contact on the toe, so I'm still considering playing this weekend.

FYI, I put my skate on today with it and while sitting there was absolutely no pain(meaning it is not pinching). I stood on the skate and shifted my weight, and there was some mild pain when I stood on the outside edge of my skate. But I also have to consider that when I did this I was on some pain meds... :/

I'd think that the chance to re-breaking/dislocating it would be pretty remote with it on your skate...I'd keep it taped to the toe next to it...just in case. It's probably going to come down to how much pain/discomfort can you take.

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It's probably going to come down to how much pain/discomfort can you take.

There you go. If you have any need for it to be healed faster then the question arises. But if you're willing to play the rest of the season with pain if you re injure it possibly, then go for it. I don't think there's many ways to screw it up worse. That would be the only think I'd ask my doctor. "Can it get any worse if I play anyways doc?"

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What kind of league do you play in (rec or AA,AAA etc)? Are these big, "must win" games? You probably will not like my advice, but here goes:I get the impression you are pretty young (teenager?)because of the PE.If these games are not important,I would sit them out.I know people who have played with broken toes buddy taped after a reasonable layoff, but I think you need to think carefully if it is worth the risk i.e. what if you play and aggravate the pain and prolong the injury? I would say that if you areplaying rec hockey than it is not worth the risk.If you are playing high level hockey and these are important games (not just because you want to play)for your team, then maybe give it a try but if it is very painful,get off the ice.BTW,I think there is more foot movement in hockey than in skiing (not sure though).

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Well it's complicated in that way.

I'm 16 and play AAA as well as high school hockey.

The games this weekend are high school(probably equivelent to slightly better than A in travel). They are not necessarily a HUGE deal to win, but to be honest I am my teams only hope for competing this weekend as our other travel players are out of town :\ Plus I really enjoy playing with kids from my school.

I do have AAA games next weekend however, when the original doctor said it would be fine for me to participate.

Thanks a lot for the responses so far!

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Skiing and hockey has some similar effects on the toe but ud have a much greater chance of doing something worse to it in hockey than on ski's because ur using ur feet to push off with skates as opposed to riding on ski's

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Well it's complicated in that way.

I'm 16 and play AAA as well as high school hockey.

The games this weekend are high school(probably equivelent to slightly better than A in travel). They are not necessarily a HUGE deal to win, but to be honest I am my teams only hope for competing this weekend as our other travel players are out of town :\ Plus I really enjoy playing with kids from my school.

I do have AAA games next weekend however, when the original doctor said it would be fine for me to participate.

Thanks a lot for the responses so far!

I understand your situation very well as my son's is similar.He is almost 15 and plays for his school and is the captain and best player (not bragging but others are house league and A players) and also plays Bantam AA outside (no AAA here until Midget so as high as you can go).He just missed a great tournament that his school could have won because he took a slapshot to his foot in pratice and it wasn't something he could play through)He also enjoys the school team and it was hard to miss.Ten days now and he is back playing and there is lingering pain at the end of a hard game.Imagine if he would have pushed it and played earlier.Listen to your body and you will make the right decision,keeping in mind playoffs and such for your AAA team.I imagine also that your AAA coach would not be happy if you couldn't play because you aggravated your injury in a school game (just a thought!)

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I broke my big toe about a year ago and played that same night. I could barley walk on it but it didn't hurt at all in the skate so I played. It didn't get any worse and the only time I really noticed it was when I got hit with a puck in the skate, that really hurt. Other then that, I was fine.

If you can play through the pain, you might as well. Can't really do any more damage to it.

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indaslot, I was thinking the same thing without state playdowns coming up next weekend for the AAA team.

I think I am going to put it in my skate tomorrow afternoon and see how that goes and decide from there.


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indaslot, I was thinking the same thing without state playdowns coming up next weekend for the AAA team.

I think I am going to put it in my skate tomorrow afternoon and see how that goes and decide from there.


try freeskate or stick and puck and see if it hurts

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