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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Video Camera TROUBLE!

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The mother has been filming my games for the past couple tournaments, and I'd like to upload them to photobucket/ play them in Windows Media player or whatever..

WELL, the problem is that after I upload them, they are in a format called .MOD.

They will only play in the software that came with the camera, and cannot be edited with any other program other than the software it came with(which sucks...) Photobucket will also not upload this extention of video...

Does anyone know how to convert them to something kind of universal?


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Thank you guys, but I'm having even more problems with it...

I did all that was said in that link, hockeymom, but it still will not convert itself to .mpg.

the file extention isn't showing up no matter what I try. :\

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well isnt that just an open source MPEG codec? The person in that situation probably just didnt have a MPEG codec installed on his computer.

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in that case, this bit of info from hockeymom's link might be of help:

"If you don't see your file extension, it'll stay .mod after a rename...

here's an extract from one of my Problem Solving pages "be sure you can see 'hidden' folders and files: open My Computer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Files and Folders > Hidden files and folders > check 'Show hidden files and folders' > OK"

if that's not the case, copy the file to another folder and rename it there, in case the folder properties are not allowing you to rename it. I had no problems renaming the sample you sent."

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You probably have windows choosing to hide file extensions. Go view - folder options and uncheck the hide files with known extension types

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I kind of figured out a way. Through the editing program you can edit the video and turn it to .avi or mpeg2, etc.

It's a bit more difficult and time-consuming than i'd like but it will get the job done. Thanks for all of your help :)

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