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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme 6000=One?

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Be a little more clear. Are you asking what they're comparable to or stating that they're comparable to one of those? You know what, be a lot more clear.

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he's asking, are the supreme 6000's more comparable to ONE50's or ONE70's.

mack you've read enough of the cryptic messages on this site to decode it ;)

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geezus, where's the love, people?

as to the original question: I have no clue about the comparability if the boots, but the Supreme70s will feel more like the supreme 6000's in terms of pitch simply because they are running on the LS2Power holder and the 6000 was on the original LS holder. The Supreme50's are on a Custom+ holder, which will feel like you're on your heels.

Can't say anything about fit or materials in either boot, however.

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To clear things up:

Since the Supreme line changed its look, I was wondering what my supreme 6000s are now known as. I was thinking they are now known as 50's or 70's and was wondering which.

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