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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 7000 Woody (Crosby)

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I decided to split this out of a topic I was kind of high-jacking. :P

I recently recieved a Mission Hex-1 as a warranty replacement. The problem was, I sent them a McCauley 95 flex M-1, and got a Rafalski 85 flex hex-1. The Hex-1 is a nice stick, but I really can't do the Rafalsk(Sakic) pattern. I've been trying to "like" it, but I keep going back to my prostock dolomite.

I bought the McCauley because I wanted to try a heel/wedge and only got a week out of it. I went last night to my LHS to try and find a Lidstrom Z-carbon woodie, but they only had lefties. I was thinking of breaking out my M-2 shaft and grabbing a lidstrom blade. But, then I saw some Sherwood 7000's with the old Crosby pattern. I was tempted, because the stick felt real nice in my hands.

Has anyone used the Sherwood Crosby pattern? It looks a little radical.

Also, I've read some good things(here) about Sherwood woodies. Does anyone have any opinions on the 7000? Is the flex true?

The Crosby stick said the lie is 6, but the PDB here says 5, and I would say the 5 is probanly correct as far as I could tell.

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I use the old Crosby blades and I love them. They were my first heel curve and I had almost no problems adjusting to them. Wrist shots were dead on…slappers and snappers took a little bit of adjustment to find the sweet spot.

For me they don’t seem to torque too much that I notice.

The lie is a 5 on the older blades.

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Thanks, that's exactly the kind of info. i was looking for. I'm a converted forwrd, and have always been a wrist shot kind of guy. But playing defense this year, I'm finding it tough to use my wrist shot.

I know a lot of guys like using heel curves for slappers, so I wanted to give it a try. I was worried that the few times I get off a wrister, it would be severly hampered by using a heel/wedge.

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No prob, happy to help.

I was out of hockey for over a year when I first picked up this pattern. On my very first warm-up shot I was just tooling down the right wing boards (right-hand shooter) and when I got to the circle I figured I would see if I still had any accuracy. I guess I still had it...the puck went top shelf far post.

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IIRC, the Crosby heel was more like a Drury than a Lidstrom. Don't kno if that helps, but there you are.

I would agree with that. The Speeza looked a little more Lidstrom-ish, but only had lefty. It's tough finding stuff this time of year.

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