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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacki-mack question

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I have it on one of my sticks. I was an idiot and did not take off the 2nd side of the tape (it was my first time putting one on). Is there an mehtod to removing the rubber with more ease?

Thanks Sid.

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so you are trying to take it off of your stick?

if you didnt use both sides of the double stick tape is should be fairly easy.

if your not trying to save the grip, use a box cutter and cut it off

i dont understand what exactly you are trying to do!

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Sid, I just took one off a woodie yesterday and moved it over to MissD's back-up shaft. So I have done it once....

people here said to roll it up and off. But I found that cumbersome - got about half way and the going got rough. You might have better luck with it, because I assume you are stronger than I am and aren''t worried about breaking a nail (LOL).

What I did was the reverse of putting it on. I soaked it with hot water. Then I slid a butter knife down all four sides to make sure it was loosened. Finally I grabbed the grip with a kitchen towel and pulled it off. Only had trouble at the very end... Reusing it on the other shaft was no problem.

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