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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hmmm. well i have had my sl for about 4-6 months now and i need a new stick i am 5'11 and o was thinking either a rbk sickick or a vapor xxx lite ne other suggestions and nene have had these sticks i do not snap alot of sticks so durabiltiy is not really a huge issue but i fins sl's to short and i dont liek using end plugs, cuz i think sl's are liek 57" and most sticks now are 60" so ne help or suggestions just from personal decisions?? i am going to my lhs to see some things but i jus need to no what to look at ??

pce and thanks :)

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I had an SL (still do) but it was replaced by my Stealth CNT. Maybe you should look at these. it isnt that hard to adjust to coming from an SL. The stealth is around 5'7"

also John Madden (NJ Devils) broke 2 of the sickicks in like 1 or 2 periods.

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Search around a little bit. Both sticks should have some info listed on them. Try and find a patter and curve you can use and go from there. Pick both up in the LHS, see what you like best and keep in mind what you have read about both sticks on here as well.

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ight will do and totally off topic but how many posts until ur a member+?? if u no or not??

That's on a need to know basis. Don't concentrate or worry on that happening.

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well its jus i had somethigns i wanted to sell but i can cuzit says u need access so i was jw but oky doky thanks for ur help on the stikcs :) pce!

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Actually I think I read somewhere that they give out the Members+ stature when one learns how to properly construct a sentence using correct capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

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well its jus i had somethigns i wanted to sell but i can cuzit says u need access so i was jw but oky doky thanks for ur help on the stikcs :) pce!

ahh, the wonders of ebay...

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well its jus i had somethigns i wanted to sell but i can cuzit says u need access so i was jw but oky doky thanks for ur help on the stikcs :) pce!

another way to earn members+ is to not type like that!

oky doky,pce,cuzit, jus, stikcs somethigns,jw ur <---- for example

did you mean :

I had something i wanted to sell, but i cant because it says that you need access so i was just wondering, but thanks for your help on the sticks?

thats how people expect you to type here....

trust me, i know because i frequently mis-spell words and dont get away with it! lol, a few extra letters here and there wont hurt!

but anyways, have fun here, and keep these tips in mind!

welcome to modsquad!!!

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have you ever tried one, like do you know if they have good durability?? or not. And did i make any spelling typos there or am i getting better??

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I bought three vapor xxx lites at the same time and am planning on buying some more. I do rotate which stick i use but so far i have had no problems with durability. I'm not a slap shot player, i take more wrist shots and snap shots then anything. Also have you considered getting a NBH One90 stick? Everyone has been saying how much better they are then the XXX Lite, so i'm going to be buying one soon to see how good of a stick it is and if indeed it is a better stick. So far though no complaints at all with my xxx lites, best sticks I have used to date.

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sweet. ya i was actually thinking about a one90 because alot of people at my school say there really awsome. but i believe i am going on saturday so if anybody has any more opionions before then that would be awsome... and thanks a bunch guy!

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Your typing is better. It's important to use the full sentences whenever possible because we have members from all over the world who speak different languages. It's easier for them to keep up without the slang.

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What flex do you use? Keep in mind that CCM/RBK doesn't have a true 85 flex. They call their "regular flex" 85, but its much stiffer, more like 95-100.

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I thought the Reg flex on my 6K was very comparable to an 85 flex.

I second that, but mine is a regular flex 4k.

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I thought the Reg flex on my 6K was very comparable to an 85 flex.

I've heard that in '06-'07 the reg flex is whippier, but from what I've been told it doesn't play like an Easton 85. But, for all we know this guy uses a 100 flex and it doesn't matter :D

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yes, i use a 100 flex. I am a forward so i need a stick that will be good for deking and wrist shots and snap shots. I do have a very good slap shot as i use to play defense, but my coash said that i rushed the puck to much and scored to much so he jus moved me to center. So i tend to not use the slapshot as much. but i do have an SL right now which a lot of people have said break very easy. i have not broken it and i do take a lot of slap shots in warm up and stuff. so durability not a big issue. just want a stick wit nice feel and gor for wristers deking and snap shots... thanks again guys! :)

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I's all PP, especially if Durability isn't a big concern. You seem open to anything so its largely trial and error. Float around our review section and toss out a few searches on sticks you may be interested in.

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