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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting hit by a car.

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Hey guys, My brother just got hit by a car and I have some questions. Have any of you been hit by cars? Or has someone close seriously injured in that way? If so, what did you do to help them just cope with it? In what way were you/the person you know injured? Have you/them fully recovered or is there ever lasting damage?

Just some info: My brothers 14 got hit HARD by the car and broke his arm, collar. Cracked his skull, is having surgery done on his eye and their checking to see about brain damage. For you Torontonians this was right in front of Rosedale TTC station at around 1am last night.

Thanks alot


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My friend's has been hit by a car but he wasn't that hurt. Couple bruises but that's about it. The girl just gave him 100$. Nothing as serious as this but I hope your brother gets better.

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There are certain circumstances, like the lady who hit my friends sister was doing 50 in 25 on a residential street. Friends sister ran out from behind a car and was hit and flew through the air 80 feet( from her house, two houses down, across the street infront of my house).

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I had an older cousin get hit by a car on this horrible blind spot near his house. He was in a coma for a couple weeks and they had to do extensive brain surgery and of course at times wasn't sure if he'd pull through, let alone know how much brain damage he may have. He pulled through and didn't suffer brain damage at all and I'm hoping the same for your brother.

I was only about 6-7 but I remember his friends coming to the hospital every day they could after school, just to be around and keep his spirits up. I think that's the best anyone can do, really.

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Best wishes to him and the whole family!

I was hit by a car as well but thats not so important now.... I hope he will get well soon!

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Sorry to hear about your brother. I was hit HARD by a car once but was fortunate enough to inflict more damage on the car than myself. If he is in a conscious state the best thing is support by showing up and visiting. No matter what the situation, SUPPORT sometimes means more than anything.

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I was hit by a car once, clipped my hip and I was spun right in the air. It was the driver's fault as he turned into the slip lane I was crossing without indicating. I simply got up and skated off after reassuring the bloke behind the wheel I alright. He was worse than I was shaking and stuttering. I was a very lucky lad that day.

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Go after the cab company. I havent seen one cabbie drive remotely close to civil...ever

My friend got his so hard crossing the street that both his shoes got ripped off. He ended up getting a nice settlement check and fully paid medical bills.

Hope you're bro has a speedy and full recovery.

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Guys and Gals. Thanks for all the advice and good wishes. It looks like he is going to make a full recovery, though it won't be done till about august. He is still in a morphine daze and my mom is not looking forward to telling him he cannot play his first season of AAA hockey next year. I think one of the oddest things that has come out of all this has been Hockeymom, and her daughter actually going to my brothers school. Anyways, thanks again and have a good one.

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This just made my day! Thanks very much for the update on your brother's condition TiCat!

And yeah, your brother and MissD going to the same tiny school in such a large city is totally random. We're all only separated by a few degrees.

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