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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shoulder pads--for adult league

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I use to agree with one using "mimimal" protection pads for beer league, however after seeing so many shoulder and rib injuries I now tend to suggest a bit more protection. No-check does not mean no-contact, especially if you have Gomers in your league where incidential contact can and does happen. More importantly, you absolutely need protection from that rare time you loose edge or footing and go shoulder first into the boards. There are a lot of low profile pads out there that are protective but not bulky or restrictive.

I agree completely, there's always someone who'll lean on you going in to a corner or give just enough of a shove to knock you off balance and in to the boards. I was using the Itech SP50, last summer I fractured my shoulder blade, and I've been taken down twice in the corner this year and I have chronic pain in both shoulders now :( I wake up 5-6 times a night because of it.

The Itech SP50 is useless, you might as well not wear anything, I didn't expect protection from them, but I don't even know why they pretend they do anything at all. I just ordered new ones b/c I'm not about to have surgery again!

So, so you want to sell those SP50s?

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I use to agree with one using "mimimal" protection pads for beer league, however after seeing so many shoulder and rib injuries I now tend to suggest a bit more protection. No-check does not mean no-contact, especially if you have Gomers in your league where incidential contact can and does happen. More importantly, you absolutely need protection from that rare time you loose edge or footing and go shoulder first into the boards. There are a lot of low profile pads out there that are protective but not bulky or restrictive.

I agree completely, there's always someone who'll lean on you going in to a corner or give just enough of a shove to knock you off balance and in to the boards. I was using the Itech SP50, last summer I fractured my shoulder blade, and I've been taken down twice in the corner this year and I have chronic pain in both shoulders now :( I wake up 5-6 times a night because of it.

The Itech SP50 is useless, you might as well not wear anything, I didn't expect protection from them, but I don't even know why they pretend they do anything at all. I just ordered new ones b/c I'm not about to have surgery again!

So, so you want to sell those SP50s?

They're a medium. PM me about it. I was going to keep them for shinny I hadn't thought of selling them...

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