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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Response lite questions

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So, Ive got a Response lite (stu barnes) on hold for me at work. My main question is this: Can I heat it and pull the blade just like the other TPS?

Second, I know Stu USED to use the whip flex (at least it had the W in the code on his shaft). Then, all of his newer sticks starting coming labeled as Regular flex. Is there a chance that his flex is somewhere inbetween whip and regular? I remember reading he used a stiffer whip...thefore maybe they just decided to put an R instead of W...maybe?



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I was thinking more along the lines of if a player likes a flex that is inbetween to flex's that the company has, then which do they tend to label it? I think JR might be the one to answer my question as I remember it was him Im thinking that said he used a stiff whip.


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SW is a flex that is between whip and regular. that's what LegoDoom was referring to. If it was between W and R, they'd likely label it as SW. Just bend it a bit to see how much it takes to load up the shaft. Obviously, don't put all of your weight on it.

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Did not know they had a SW flex. Answers that question, but still leaves the question of can the blade be heated and removed like on the older versions?


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