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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Open and close the curtain a few times and the other ring will fall off. You have the cassette and battery too or not?

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On the other end of the bed. Go to the blank red wall and click near the lower left corner where the bed is, but don't turn towards the bed. It's in a hard to find place. Took me forever to find the battery.

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Forthe stick, click the pillow, then where the sheet goes with the matrress in the shadow click.But i cant find the battery.

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wow what a reward.

Did you watch the movie thing? Did you find the safe? You aren't done yet I bet.

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You have the cassette? It's under the yellow cabinet if not. Then put the rings and stick in the box, open it, put the battery and cassete inside, and watch the video. During it, crosshairs come up and the dancing guy points at it. After the movie ends, click where the crosshairs were. A square comes up, then you click on it. A safe appears. The code for the safe can be found if you go to the site written on the memo you find, and you open the safe with the key you find in the CD tray of the old CD player.

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i cant find the other ring

Read through this thread. Both spots have been said already.

Watched the movie and I had all the fun I could handle
Did you find the safe and open it though?

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