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Shin pads

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I'm a defenceman playing junior and I need a pair of shin pads thats not as bulky as I'm a rushing defenceman. I am currently using nike apollo v12s in a size 14. I bought the size 15 in the v14 pad and it feels way too big for me, so does anyone have any suggestions on a narrower less bulky knee pad. As my v12s are now too small for me.

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I haven't ever noticed a difference between shin pads. I think you may be worried a little too much about your equipment. So long as it sufficiently covers your shin and knee (and perhaps calf to some extent; you are still a defenseman afterall) you should be fine.

Side note: I'm 6'4, ~210 pounds, so perhaps my lack of bias against shin guard size and weight is negligible if you are of a much smaller frame and feel it more. If this is the case, I apologize. However, I don't think this is likely the case.

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Mission Fuel 75's are pretty narrow, especially at the bottom. Not quite sure how they stack up, protectively, though.

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I bought a pair of Itech SG-660. Very very comfortable, way more narrow and less bulky than the RBK 6K that I had tried before. I don't even notice that I am wearing shin pads when I'm on the ice. I can't say I've taken a hard slapper to them, so I can't say how that feels, and would just be speculating but the padding is adequate. Overall I am really satisfied with them.

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I have Stealth S5's. They are pretty narrow and also very protective on the front side. The back side isn't very protective though. They are super light as well.

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I'm wearing S5's as well. Like everyone has said they are very narrow. I'm not a huge fan of them though, Every shot I have blocked has killed and I haven't experienced that with any other shin pads I've used for.

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