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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converted Synergy Inlines

alright, question, i bought these chassis online, they're size medium which was SUPPOSED to fit a size 8.5 boot, but as you can see they look far too big. I got them installed at my LHS and they said they'd fit fine, but with all 80 wheels it really doesn't look right. Will this be a large problem and really affect my skating?

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Converted Synergy Inlines

alright, question, i bought these chassis online, they're size medium which was SUPPOSED to fit a size 8.5 boot, but as you can see they look far too big. I got them installed at my LHS and they said they'd fit fine, but with all 80 wheels it really doesn't look right. Will this be a large problem and really affect my skating?

Dude if i were you i would get a different chassis. Try a sprung. Anything would be better than the eastons. You are wasting a good boot with that chassis.

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do the chassis really matter that much? i wasted about $40 on them and $30 to install them. id like to know the different between regular ones like these and sprung/rocker ones.

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do the chassis really matter that much? i wasted about $40 on them and $30 to install them. id like to know the different between regular ones like these and sprung/rocker ones.

If it were me and I'd gone to the trouble to pay for the frames and have them mounted, I'd give them a few weeks of use to see how they go. If you have come from a different roller set-up they will feel odd at first (but you'd expect that of any chassis change).

Bottom line - as you've paid for them it would be a waste not to give them a good run out, if only to comment on hear about the frames (good / bad, etc).

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