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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Robby Glantz Hockey Speed videos Vol I and II

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great videos in my opinion. goes through the basic fundamentals and step by step. The best part I like is when he does slow motion zoom in on skating. I mean all these skaters are doing it so fast its kind of hard to mimic it. When they go in slow motion and zoom in you can really see what they are doing and the proper way too.

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Vol. 1 is great for the reasons voiced above. Vol.2 is good too, but does not add very much on top of the basics covered in Vol.1. In the interests of saving $, Vol.1 is all you really need.

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its worth the money just to see brad do the michigan with the butt end of his stick at the end of the 2nd movie!

you now have my attention, anywhere I can see this without buying the movies? interested in that clip only.

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I own them both! Vol I on VHS (it's all that was available at that time) and Vol 2 on DVD. I like both videos a lot; Vol I does a good job introducing the concepts they teach at Robby Glantz's schools and we bought Vol 2 at a camp my youngest son was at a couple years back. That DVD did a good job reinforcing what he'd just learned at the clinic and we'll pull it out from time to time to go over things.

A side note on Brad Perry's "Michigan with the butt end" move at the end of Vol 2...they gave him one take and unfortunately he missed. He tried it the second and third nights of the clinic my son attended, first night he missed, second night he nailed it!

But I'd recommend both Volumes. They used to have clips on the Robby Glantz website of the videos, not sure if they still do.

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