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Heatley to be charged

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lets not forget he cried at the service....he paid his debt

yep, in full. Free him, just like Bert. :blink:

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Two totally different things. Heatly is going to the can.

Yep, much different to make a mistake and actually kill someone than to intentionally hurt someone and nearly kill them. Completely different, mostly cause Heatley cried better. :blink:

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I haven't heard really anything on the exact evidence and I live near Calgary, his home town and there hasn't been anything on TV or on the Radio about what really did happen, besides speeding.

Maybe you guys already know what happened for sure. How do we know that Snyder didn't have something to do with the accident. Forgive me if I do not know the facts but I haven't heard about anything this regarding the evidence found at the crash site or what Heatley's side of the story is.

I feel really bad for him, but at the same time any other citizen would be in jail as many of you have said. That is if all of the evidence points towards him being soley responsible. Please do not jump on me for being nieve as I said earlier there hasn't been any news on this tragedy out my way since it happened.

I had the pleasure of playing hockey against Dan in AAA midget and I can't beleive it has only been 4 years since then and now he could be or could have been the greatest player in world for this era. Sadly I do not think this will be so, because no one really gets over something like this, even if he isn't put in jail.

If I am totally off on this subject please fill me in.


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No problem, I enjoy debating, Theo.

I guess it's the fact that the Snyder family has not asked for revenge and have even asked that Heatley be spared that makes me think the punishment shouldn't be excessive. They are the people most affected, other than Dan himself, and they seem to believe that forgiveness is in order.

Obviously, the final decision is up to the local law enforcement officials as that is their job. They need to determine not only IF he should be punished but WHY as well. Is it simply because a law was broken? That happens thousands of times a day. Is it because someone died? Obviously that is a tragedy on its own. On top of that, how does this relate to the community? Are people safer if he goes to jail? Is it going to make him regret his actions any more than he already does? Justice is the important factor to me, not just punishment.

Heatley was speeding, something all of us have done. I can't imagine what I would be like if this happened to me when I used to drive like a maniac. I guess I can see myself in a similar situation.

In the end nothing can make Dan Snyder come back and that's the real shame of the whole situation.

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We've all sped, but in that area? That's suicide and I don't know why someone sober would try it, but I'm not of the mindset that I'm invincible.

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Heatley won't learn anything really.

My point is, it seems like he already learned the lesson the hard way. Will any additional punishment make a difference.


I can't argue with your logic. He did something stupid and has to pay, I just don't think jail is going to benefit anyone. Having him talk to schools, colleges, young athletes, etc... may be able to save another life.

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I don't see jail being the only punishment, making PSAs and community would suffice in my eyes so I'll agree with that. He just has to learn there's guilt to feel as well as consequences (legal ones at least) to be reckoned with.

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I don't think this is an act in which he should goto jail. He was driving a car which was too much for him. I like i'm sure many of you, haven't had the pleasure of driving a Ferrari. However I do know a few who have and they have all mentioned how it is next to impossible to keep the car from increasing in speed, I know it's not an excuse, but it could be a reason for him speeding to that extent sober. I also couldn't imagine knowing I killed a close friend of mine, playing in the same league he did in the same organization waking up everyday and seeing the things they first experienced together. That would be the torture I couldn't take. If he were to be put away I don't see anyone benefitting.

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He crashed into a brick wall doing 80mph in a 30 mph zone (a neighborhood). The Snyder family's feelings may have some impact on sentencing, but it will have zero effect on what the authorities have to do in the case of manslaughter or vehicular homicide.

I personally have issues as to the quick and immediate forgiveness on the Snyders part...I mean, they were on the news before he was buried saying they forgive Heatly. If someone is responsible for my son's death, I don't think I would be forgiving them immediately. Maybe it hadn't sunk in, maybe they are very devout religeous people, don't know. What I do know is forgiveness takes time... and not hours

In regard to your statements Chadd - I think if Heatly were truly sorry and wanted to do some positive things or make amends, he shouldn't wait for the court to tell him to talk to kids or do PSA's...he should've been doing them since this happened. I have done a search on this online and have not seen anything suggesting he is doing anything. If this is true I think it tells volumes about the person you are defending. I hope its not the case.

No integrity, weak character - hoping his wallet and celebrity allow him to pretend this never happened.

Bottom line - he IS the reason Snyder is in the ground, its not by chance that he is dead or that Snyder made the mistake of getting into his car. Sure nobody wanted to die and it could be called an accident, but when you, me or anyone get behind the wheel, we are responsible for how we drive the car and are responsible for the occupants.

Driving 80 in a 30, losing control and hitting a brick wall isn't really an accident. He basically created the whole situation for the crash. Him rear-ending someone at a light is an accident, him backing into a car in a parking lot is an accident. Him driving his ferrari in a neighborhood like its a racetrack, losing control and SPLITTING HIS CAR IN HALF and killing his friend is about as far from what "accident" means as is humanly possible.

A lot of criminals would love you as a judge I think

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If heatley was doing PSA's or talking publicly, anything he said could be used against him in a trial. No half decent lawyer would let him speak publicly about it, that's just common sense. I have yet to see anything that indicates he's trying to use his status or wealth to his advantage in this case either. It's not like Ray Lewis refusing to tell police what he knows and walking away without penalty.

To say that Snyders parents are wrong to forgive them is arrogant. They're people who can make their own choices and they get to do so. The fact that they are able to forgive someone so quickly shows incredible strength and character.

Sometimes there are colors other than black and white. In this case I don't think society benefits from Heatley in jail.

I'm done with this discussion.

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There is some reason it has taken a year to indict him, no? Would that reason be NHL pressure perhaps? Who know's...

Its not gonna be much of a trial - they know the speed, the outcome blah blah blah. I think its just going to come down to the sentencing. I know we will all be watching (hopefully its on Court TV).

I am not saying its wrong to forgive - its just strange how quickly it came. Maybe I feel this way because we saw saw zero grief from them in relation to what happened to their son. All we saw was them coming to his defense. Its just odd to me.

Time will tell

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About seeing zero grief, were they televised 24/7? The way you come off it seems like they went "Meh, our son's dead." They grieved however their way is and I am sure they still do to this day. There's no timeline as to how long a person should grieve, let alone publicly. I'm going to say their forgiveness came quickly because they're either very remarkable people, saw how everyone started to pile onto Heatley and wanted to assure him they were not blaming him, or both.

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